

  1. Project related configuration options


    • 项目名
    • 输出目录
    • 输出语言
    • 是否显示继承属性
    • 是否对C、Java、Fortran等优化
  2. Build related configuration options
    • 是否显示私有、静态变量
    • 是否显示 include 文件
    • 是否将文件中brief descriptions重新排序
    • 显示文件
    • 显示作用域
  3. Configuration options related to warning and progress messages
  4. Configuration options related to the input files
    • 源文件位置
    • 字符编码
    • 图片位置
  5. Configuration options related to source browsing
    • 是否显示源程序
    • 忽略程序注释
    • 是否显示调用、被调用相关函数
  6. Configuration options related to the alphabetical class index
  7. Configuration options related to the HTML output
  8. Configuration options related to the LaTeX output
  9. Configuration options related to the RTF output
  10. Configuration options related to the man page output
  11. Configuration options related to the XML output
  12. Configuration options related to the DOCBOOK output
  13. Configuration options for the AutoGen Definitions output
  14. Configuration options related to the Perl module output
  15. Configuration options related to the preprocessor
  16. Configuration options related to external references
  17. Configuration options related to the dot tool


doxygen [Doxygen file]


使用JavaDoc风格, 即在C风格注释块开始使用两个星号'*'

* ... 描述 ...


如果你想对文件、结构体、联合体、类或者枚举的成员进行文档注释的话, 并且要在成员中间添加注释, 而这些注释往往都是在每个成员后面。为此, 你可以使用在注释段中使用'<'标识,例如

int var; /*!< Detailed description after the member */

int var; /**< Detailed description after the member */

int var; //!< Detailed description after the member
//! int var; ///< Detailed description after the member


/** Detailed description before the member */
int var;


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