
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """
Creates new object instances by cloning prototype.
""" class Prototype(object): value = 'default' def clone(self, **attrs):
"""Clone a prototype and update inner attributes dictionary"""
# Python in Practice, Mark Summerfield
obj = self.__class__()
return obj class PrototypeDispatcher(object): def __init__(self):
self._objects = {} def get_objects(self):
"""Get all objects"""
return self._objects def register_object(self, name, obj):
"""Register an object"""
self._objects[name] = obj def unregister_object(self, name):
"""Unregister an object"""
del self._objects[name] def main():
dispatcher = PrototypeDispatcher()
prototype = Prototype() d = prototype.clone()
a = prototype.clone(value='a-value', category='a')
b = prototype.clone(value='b-value', is_checked=True)
dispatcher.register_object('objecta', a)
dispatcher.register_object('objectb', b)
dispatcher.register_object('default', d)
print([{n: p.value} for n, p in dispatcher.get_objects().items()]) if __name__ == '__main__':
main() ### OUTPUT ###
# [{'objectb': 'b-value'}, {'default': 'default'}, {'objecta': 'a-value'}]



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