

1. 体积小


2. 支持主流的浏览器

和Vue.js一样,vue-resource除了不支持IE 9以下的浏览器,其他主流的浏览器都支持。

3. 支持Promise API和URI Templates


URI Templates表示URI模板,有些类似于ASP.NET MVC的路由模板。

4. 支持拦截器





<script src="js/vue.js"></script>
<script src="js/vue-resource.js"></script>


The http service can be used globally Vue.http or in a Vue instance


A Vue instance provides the this.$http service which can send HTTP requests. A request method call returns a
Promise that resolves to the response. Also the Vue instance will be automatically bound to
this in all function callbacks.

// GET /someUrl
this.$http.get('/someUrl').then(response => {
// success callback
}, response => {
// error callback


Shortcut methods are available for all request types. These methods work globally or in a Vue instance.

// global Vue object
Vue.http.get('/someUrl', [options]).then(successCallback, errorCallback);'/someUrl', [body], [options]).then(successCallback, errorCallback); // in a Vue instance
this.$http.get('/someUrl', [options]).then(successCallback, errorCallback);
this.$'/someUrl', [body], [options]).then(successCallback, errorCallback);

List of shortcut methods:

  • get(url, [options])
  • head(url, [options])
  • delete(url, [options])
  • jsonp(url, [options])
  • post(url, [body], [options])
  • put(url, [body], [options])
  • patch(url, [body], [options])


Parameter Type Description
url string URL to which the request is sent
body Object, FormData, string Data to be sent as the request body
headers Object Headers object to be sent as HTTP request headers
params Object Parameters object to be sent as URL parameters
method string HTTP method (e.g. GET, POST, ...)
responseType string Type of the response body (e.g. text, blob, json, ...)
timeout number Request timeout in milliseconds (0 means no timeout)
before function(request) Callback function to modify the request options before it is sent
progress function(event) Callback function to handle the ProgressEvent of uploads
credentials boolean Indicates whether or not cross-site Access-Control requests should be made using credentials
emulateHTTP boolean Send PUT, PATCH and DELETE requests with a HTTP POST and set the X-HTTP-Method-Override header
emulateJSON boolean Send request body as application/x-www-form-urlencoded content type


A request resolves to a response object with the following properties and methods:

Property Type Description
url string Response URL origin
body Object, Blob, string Response body
headers Header Response Headers object
ok boolean HTTP status code between 200 and 299
status number HTTP status code of the response
statusText string HTTP status text of the response
Method Type Description
text() Promise Resolves the body as string
json() Promise Resolves the body as parsed JSON object
blob() Promise Resolves the body as Blob object


// POST /someUrl
this.$'/someUrl', {foo: 'bar'}).then(response => { // get status
response.status; // get status text
response.statusText; // get 'Expires' header
response.headers.get('Expires'); // get body data
this.someData = response.body; }, response => {
// error callback

Fetch an image and use the blob() method to extract the image body content from the response.

// GET /image.jpg
this.$http.get('/image.jpg').then(response => { // resolve to Blob
return response.blob(); }).then(blob => {
// use image Blob


Interceptors can be defined globally and are used for pre- and postprocessing of a request. If a request is send using
this.$http or this.$resource the current Vue instance is available as
this in a interceptor callback.

Request processing

Vue.http.interceptors.push(function(request, next) {

  // modify method
request.method = 'POST'; // modify headers
request.headers.set('X-CSRF-TOKEN', 'TOKEN');
request.headers.set('Authorization', 'Bearer TOKEN'); // continue to next interceptor

Request and Response processing

Vue.http.interceptors.push(function(request, next) {

  // modify request
request.method = 'POST'; // continue to next interceptor
next(function(response) { // modify response
response.body = '...'; });

Return a Response and stop processing

Vue.http.interceptors.push(function(request, next) {

  // modify request ...

  // stop and return response
next(request.respondWith(body, {
status: 404,
statusText: 'Not found'


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