
我以自带demo进行分析,本篇地图Init setting map


实例 创建地图







id = a unique number to identify the map you created   创建的地图编号
"mapImage" = the name of the map graphic to use from /img/maptravel/    背景图名称(注意路径)
this image will determine the size of your map in the scene    此图片会影响你的地图尺寸
[bg] = an array to set up a background graphic behind the map image     一个数组,用于在地图图像后面设置背景图形
You can have as many bg arrays as desired each should have:   可以设置多个
[fg] = works the same as bg arrays but instead for foreground images   原理与bg相同,但用于代替前景图





Galv.MAPT.setLocation(0,"Gov's Mansion","loc_mansion",490,160,1,8,11,"This is the Governor's Mansion|It's just a test map with no actual mansion here");

Galv.MAPT.setLocation(0,"Your Mansion","loc_mansion",620,440,3,8,11,"This is your 'mansion' but you lost the key!|You can't get in!");

Galv.MAPT.setLocation(0,"Campsite","loc_tent",1240,300,4,8,11,"I think it's a tent. It looks like a tent|Yeah it's a tent.",1);


id = the unique number identifying the map you created above   上级地图,上级地图!的ID,或者说包含地图
"name" = the name of the location (also used to reference it)
"image" = the name of the location graphic to use from /img/maptravel/     显示在大地图上的图标
this graphic requires 3 rows in the spritesheet for:
top = normal, middle = active, bottom = disabled
mx = the x postion on your map graphic for the location
my = the y postion on your map graphic for the location
tmid = transfer map id - the in-game map id to transfer to      跳转目标地图的ID
tx = the in-game map x co-ordinate to transfer to                   跳转后的的位置
ty = the in-game map y co-ordinate to transfer to
"desc" = a short description displayed when location is selected.   下方描述
Use the | symbol to specify a new line.
f = frames of animation in your location image. Don't include
this attribute to use the plugin setting default frames    动画针

Note that you can use this setLocation to overwrite a previously set one
using the same name if you want to change it to something else.

In addition to locations, you can add 'objects' that work in a similar
way but only have one row of graphics in the spritesheet and will not
appear in the location list.




Galv.MAPT.enableLocation(0,"Your Mansion",false);


Galv.MAPT.enableLocation(id,"name",s); // s can be true or false to
// set the location "name" in the
// map id to enabled or disabled


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