SAP MM PR中的Fixed ID字段与MD04里PR单据号后的星号

如下图是我手工使用ME51N 创建的一个采购申请单据,


这个PR号码后面有一个*号,代表它是一个被firm了的采购申请。这样看起来PR中的Fixed ID标记与MD04结果中是否在PR后跟一个*没有关系?那MD04中的PR,在什么情况下会后跟一个*号呢? 经笔者查询,得知,手工创建的采购申请,MD04结果里采购申请号后必然跟着一个*号,当然还有其它场景会导致MD04里PR号后带上*的结果。下面文字来源于互联网:


The * (firmed indicator checked) that you see next to the purchase requisition in MD04 is not actually stored in any table. This is a structure field (MDPS-FIX01) and is updated when the MD04 (stock requirements list) program is called.  MD04结果中PR号码之后跟的*号,并不保存在某个表里。它是一个结构字段,当MD04程序被调用的时候,该字段被更新。

The * next to the purchase requisition (or planned order for that matter) indicates that the purchase requisition is firmed as far as MRP is concerned (meaning that MRP CANNOT change this requisition, the 'firming' functionality is built to prevent undesired deletion of your purchase requisitions/planned orders by MRP).  采购申请后的*号,表明该PR被固定了,在MRP 运行时候不能被修改与删除。

Now, the interesting question is how the firmed indicator (*) is actually set in MD04 next to the purchase requisition and what is its relation to the 'fixed indicator' in the purchase requisition (EBAN-FIXKZ). The 'firmed indicator' flag in MD04 is automatically set in the following cases – 如下是解释MD04结果中如何在PR单据号后设置星号,以及什么是与PR里的 Fixed ID (fixed indicator)有关联的。如下场景下,MD04中PR号码后被打上*:

- When you create a purchase requisition manually (EBAN-ESTKZ = 'R') using ME51N, it is treated as firmed as far as MRP is concerned. Note that in this case even if you have NOT flagged the 'fixed indicator' (EBAN-FIXKZ) in the requisition, the 'firmed indicator' is flagged in MD04. This may very well be the reason why we are seeing purchase requisitions with a * next to them in MD04 but we don't find these in EBAN with the 'fixed indicator' set. I don't think we retrieve this information by querying any table. We can have an Abaper debug how this 'firmed indicator' flag is actually set in MD04 but I would think the EBAN-ESTKZ drives it in this case. As a side note, I would suggest you a take a look at function module MD_STOCK_REQUIREMENTS_LIST_API.

- The 'fixed indicator' (EBAN-FIXKZ) in the purchase requisition is manually flagged by users in ME52N or programmatically flagged which will in turn trigger the 'firmed indicator' flag in the MD04 program.

- The purchase requisition is manually changed in ME52N or programmatically changed (say you change the qty, delivery date,, sloc etc).

- You have converted the purchase requisition into an RFQ or a PO either for the full or partial quantity.

- The 'fixed for MRP' or the 'firmed for req. planning' indicator has been set in the release indicator for your purchase requisition release strategy. This way, you prevent MRP from accidentally deleting purchase requisitions that have already been released by someone.

The 'fixed indicator' (EBAN-FIXKZ) is automatically set in the above 4 cases which in turn will trigger the 'firmed indicator' to be set in the MD04 program.


2018-07-23 写于杭州市


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