使用过 Linux/Unix 的朋友应该知道,将用户添加都 wheel用户组,让用户可以通过在命令在前加 sudo 临时获取 root 用户的权限。但是有没有朋友会想知道为何这个用户组要交 wheel用户组,而不是叫 admin 用户组呢? 在 freebsd 的网站中找到这样一篇文章More trivia: origin of the wheel group

The guy who wrote the group functionality was both a buddhist and a Journey fan. He was listening to "Wheel in the Sky" while trying to figure out a way to give more people administrative rights without giving too much access. In a fit of enlightment, he came up with a special group for administrators. Since they were the ones who kept things turning, it only seemed appropriate that "wheel" be immortalized in the /etc/group file. True story!

翻译过来的意思是: 写用户组功能的人既是佛教徒,又是一位喜欢旅程的人。他正在听《Wheel in the Sky》(貌似是一首歌)时,试图让更多的人享有权力,而不会给他们太多的访问限制。在一阵启发下,他想出了一个特别的管理员小组。因为是他们让事情不断发生变化(看不懂这句讲什么,意思好像是由于执行命令要不停地切换账号),所以 “wheel”用户组 在 /etc/group 文件中一直存在似乎是恰当的。真实的故事。 而在 jargon file (一份黑客俚语的汇总)中

[from slang ‘big wheel’ for a powerful person] A person who has an active wheel bit. “We need to find a wheel to unwedge the hung tape drives.” (See wedged, sense 1.) The traditional name of security group zero in BSD (to which the major system-internal users like root belong) is ‘wheel’. Some vendors have expanded on this usage, modifying Unix so that only members of group ‘wheel’ can go root.

意思为 : 【在俚语中,大轮子意为有能力的人】 比如 - 拥有主动轮子的人。 - 我们需要找到一个轮子解开挂起的磁带机 在BSD中,安全组零的传统名称是 wheel(里面的用户像 root 那样属于主要的系统内部用户)。一些供应商已经扩大了这种用法,修改了Unix,以便只有组'wheel'的成员才能使用 root 权限。


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