




//  public-domain code by Darel Rex Finley, January 2009

#define  CIRCLE_RADIANS  6.283185307179586476925286766559

//  Determines the radian angle of the specified point (as it relates to the origin).
// Warning: Do not pass zero in both parameters, as this will cause division-by-zero. double angleOf(double x, double y) { double dist=sqrt(x*x+y*y) ; if (y>=0.) return acos( x/dist) ;
else return acos(-x/dist)+.5*CIRCLE_RADIANS; } // Pass in a set of 2D points in x,y,points. Returns a polygon in polyX,polyY,polyCorners.
// To be safe, polyX and polyY should have enough space to store all the points passed in x,y,points. void findSmallestPolygon(double *x, double *y, long points, double *polyX, double *polyY, long *polyCorners) { double newX=x[0], newY=y[0], xDif, yDif, oldAngle=.5*CIRCLE_RADIANS, newAngle, angleDif, minAngleDif ;
long i ; // Find a starting point.
for (i=0; i<points; i++) if (y[i]>newY || y[i]==newY && x[i]<newX) {
newX=x[i]; newY=y[i]; }
*polyCorners=0; // Polygon-construction loop.
while (!(*polyCorners) || newX!=polyX[0] || newY!=polyY[0]) {
polyY[*polyCorners]=newY; minAngleDif=CIRCLE_RADIANS;
for (i=0; i<points; i++) {
if (xDif || yDif) {
newAngle=angleOf(xDif,yDif); angleDif =oldAngle-newAngle;
while (angleDif< 0. ) angleDif+=CIRCLE_RADIANS;
while (angleDif>=CIRCLE_RADIANS) angleDif-=CIRCLE_RADIANS;
if (angleDif<minAngleDif) {
minAngleDif=angleDif; newX=x[i]; newY=y[i]; }}}
(*polyCorners)++; oldAngle+=.5*CIRCLE_RADIANS-minAngleDif; }}


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