
1. 生产者端发消息时,加参数
delivery_mode=2, # make message persistent
), 2. 消费者端,消息处理完毕时,发送确认包
ch.basic_ack(delivery_tag=method.delivery_tag) 生产者端:
import pika credentials = pika.PlainCredentials('qqc', '123') parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters(host='',credentials=credentials)
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(parameters) channel = connection.channel() #队列连接通道 #声明queue
channel.queue_declare(queue='hello_one',durable=True ) # durable==True 队列持久化 channel.basic_publish(exchange='',
routing_key='hello_one', #路由
properties = pika.BasicProperties (
delivery_mode= 2 , # 将消息持久化
body='Hello World') print(" [x] Sent 'Hello World!'") connection.close() 消费者端:
import pika
import time credentials = pika.PlainCredentials ('qqc','123') parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters (host='localhost',credentials =credentials )
connection = pika.BlockingConnection (parameters ) # 队列连接通道
channel = connection .channel() def callback(ch,method,properties,body):
:param ch: 通道
:param method: 请求方法
:param properties: 消息参数
:param body: 消息内容
print("[x] received %r" % body,method )
print('msg handle done...',body) # 消费者处理完毕向服务端返回确认包,清除队列消息
ch.basic_ack(delivery_tag= method .delivery_tag) # 取信息
callback, # 取到消息后调用callback
#no_ack=True # 消息处理后,不向rabbit-server确认消息已消费完毕
print('[*] waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C') # 阻塞模式
channel .start_consuming()

2. 公平分发

channel.basic_qos(prefetch_count=1) 代码:
import pika
import time credentials = pika.PlainCredentials ('qqc','123') parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters (host='localhost',credentials =credentials )
connection = pika.BlockingConnection (parameters ) # 队列连接通道
channel = connection .channel() def callback(ch,method,properties,body):
:param ch: 通道
:param method: 请求方法
:param properties: 消息参数
:param body: 消息内容
print("[x] received %r" % body,method )
# time.sleep(10)
print('msg handle done...',body) # 消费者处理完毕向服务端返回确认包,清除队列消息
ch.basic_ack(delivery_tag= method .delivery_tag) # 公平分发
channel.basic_qos(prefetch_count=1) # 取信息
callback, # 取到消息后调用callback
#no_ack=True # 消息处理后,不向rabbit-server确认消息已消费完毕
print('[*] waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C') # 阻塞模式
channel .start_consuming()

3. exchange

exchange type
fanout = 广播
direct = 组播
topic = 规则播
header =

3.1 fanout

import pika
import sys
credentials = pika.PlainCredentials('qqc', '123') parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters(host='',credentials=credentials)
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(parameters) channel = connection.channel() #队列连接通道 channel .exchange_declare(exchange= 'logs',exchange_type='fanout') message = ' '.join(sys.argv[1:]) or "info: Hello world" # 打印跟的参数 # 绑定exchange的所有队列都收到消息
channel .basic_publish(exchange= 'logs',
routing_key= '',
body =message )
print(" [x] Sent %r" % message) connection.close() '''
''' 消费者:
import pika
import time credentials = pika.PlainCredentials ('qqc','123') parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters (host='localhost',credentials =credentials )
connection = pika.BlockingConnection (parameters ) # 队列连接通道
channel = connection .channel() channel .exchange_declare(exchange='logs',exchange_type='fanout') #不指定queue名字,rabbit会随机分配一个名字
# exclusive=True会在使用此queue的消费者断开后,自动将queue删除
queue_obj = channel .queue_declare(queue='',exclusive= True) queue_name = queue_obj .method.queue
print('queue name',queue_name,queue_obj ) # 绑定队列都exchange
channel .queue_bind(exchange= 'logs',queue=queue_name) print(' [*] Waiting for logs. To exit press CTRL+C') def callback(ch,method,properties,body):
print(body) # 阻塞模式
channel .start_consuming()

3.2 direct

import pika
import sys
credentials = pika.PlainCredentials('qqc', '123') parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters(host='',credentials=credentials)
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(parameters) channel = connection.channel() #队列连接通道 channel .exchange_declare(exchange= 'direct_logs',exchange_type='direct') log_level =sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv)> 1 else 'info'
message = ' '.join(sys.argv[1:]) or "info: Hello world" # 打印跟的参数 channel .basic_publish(exchange= 'logs',
routing_key= log_level ,
body =message )
print(" [x] Sent %r" % message) connection.close() # python3 P_direct.py info hello 在info上发消息 订阅者:
import pika
import time
import sys
credentials = pika.PlainCredentials ('qqc','123') parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters (host='localhost',credentials =credentials )
connection = pika.BlockingConnection (parameters ) # 队列连接通道
channel = connection .channel() channel .exchange_declare(exchange='logs',exchange_type='fanout') #不指定queue名字,rabbit会随机分配一个名字
# exclusive=True会在使用此queue的消费者断开后,自动将queue删除
queue_obj = channel .queue_declare(queue='',exclusive= True) queue_name = queue_obj .method.queue
print('queue name',queue_name,queue_obj ) log_levels = sys.argv[1:] if not log_levels :
sys.stderr .write("Usage: %s [info] [warning] [error]\n" % sys.argv[0])
sys.exit() for level in log_levels :
routing_key= level) # 绑定队列到exchange print(' [*] Waiting for logs. To exit press CTRL+C') def callback(ch,method,properties,body):
print(body) channel .basic_consume(queue_name, callback) # 阻塞模式
channel .start_consuming() '''
''' # python3 .\C_direct.py info 接收info上的消息

3.3 topic

import pika
import sys credentials = pika.PlainCredentials('qqc', '123') parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters(host='',credentials=credentials)
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(parameters) channel = connection .channel() channel.exchange_declare(exchange= 'topic_log',exchange_type='topic') log_level = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) >1 else 'all.info' message = ' '.join(sys.argv[1:]) or 'all.info:Hello World' channel .basic_publish(exchange='topic_log',
routing_key= log_level ,
body = message)
print("[x] Sent %r" %message)
connection .close() 订阅着:
import pika,sys
credentials = pika.PlainCredentials('qqc', '123') parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters(host='',credentials=credentials)
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(parameters) channel = connection.channel() #队列连接通道
queue_obj = channel .queue_declare(queue = '',exclusive= True )
queue_name = queue_obj.method.queue log_levels = sys.argv[1:] if not log_levels :
sys.stderr .write("User: %s [info] [warning] [error]\n" % sys.argv[0]) for level in log_levels :
channel .queue_bind(exchange= 'topic_log',
queue = queue_name ,
routing_key= level)
print('[*] Waiting for logs.To exit press CTRL+C') def callback(ch,method,properties,body):
print("[x] %r" %body) channel .basic_consume(queue_name ,callback )
channel .start_consuming() 测试:
python3 P_topic.py i.mysql.error tttttt 订阅者:
python3 C_topic.py *.mysql.error

4. RPC


  1. 2012 Multi-University #10
  2. 第六篇T语言实例开发,多点找色应用
  3. [转]C/C++ 实现文件透明加解密
  4. js工厂方式和构造函数
  5. lua元表Metatable
  6. Atitit 面向对象  封装的实现原理
  7. NOIP200407合唱队形+最长上升子序列O(n^2)详解
  8. JSP内置对象之request
  9. shell 文件中列的整合成一个文件
  10. solr参数之facet
  11. java的方法重载
  12. 高精度算r的n次方 问题 H: 乾隆巡江南
  13. Windows下Redis集群搭建
  14. 深入理解JAVA集合系列一:HashMap源码解读
  15. 其他ip无法访问Yii的gii,配置ip就可以
  16. 使用自定义视图的AlertDialog
  17. FAQs on Android
  18. win7系统
  19. php __CLASS__、get_class()与get_called_class()的区别
  20. C/C++语言代码规范


  1. Android开发时包名、签名、渠道和版本号的易坑点(转)
  2. mybatis中Parameter index out of range (2 > number of parameters, which is 1).
  3. 16. Django基础数据访问
  4. JavaScript中 函数的创建和调用
  5. Linux基础-命令概述
  6. Java DOM解析器 - 解析XML文档
  7. JavaScript 学习笔记(初学者)
  8. JS获取图片的原始宽度和高度,兼容IE7,8
  9. 在linux上安装jdk
  10. Centos6安装破解JIRA7.3.8