Word is cheap, show me the grammar.

Doc requirements:TODO

1. English doc

2. Mark the importance


Attached the video link here


  1. noun
  2. pronoun       we, that, all, who
  3. numeral
  4. article             a, an, the
  5. verb
  6. adverb            much, next, back
  7. adjective        good, great, fast
  8. preposition    at, in, on
  9. conjunction   and, also, but
  10. interjection    yum, blah, what


  1. subject     主
  2. predicate 谓
  3. object       宾
  4. attribute  定
  5. adverbial  状  TODO example?
  6. object complement   补
  7. subject complement  表
  8. double object    双宾
  9. apposition    同位语


  1. 主谓
  2. 主谓宾
  3. 主系表
  4. 主谓+双宾
  5. 主谓宾+宾补
  6. 名词性从句
  7. 定语从句
  8. 状语从句



  1. 主谓              I run(不及物v.才能玩主谓结构).
  2. 主谓宾          I love you.
  3. 主系表          I am Iron Man. 系统词=be动词(am,is, are)其后面是表语
  4. 主谓+双宾   I give you money.
  5. 主谓宾+宾补 They ordered hamburger their lunch.


  1. 一般疑问  Do/Can you love me?   Am I your girlfriend?  yes/no
  2. 特殊疑问  Why do you love me ?
  3. 选择疑问  Do you love my body or my heart? 不可以yes,no回答
  4. 反问疑问  You love me, don't you? will/must/aren’t you? 前肯后否,前否后肯


  1. What + n.
  2. What a beautiful day it is!

    What brilliant dogs they are!

  3. How + adj.

How fast he run!

How brilliant a dog it is!

3. 语气词

Wow!That's totally awesome!

Oh! You are Peter!


Get out! Be quiet, please. Be careful. Have a good day.


  1. 基数词   two thousand, hundreds of,
  2. 序数词

am = ante meridiem

pm = post meridiem

six o’clock = six on the dot

six five = five past six

six fifteen = a quarter past six

six thirty = half past six

six forty-five = a quarter to seven

six fifty-five = five till seven

0.5  zero point five

0.05 zero point o five

777 triple seven

The first of September , the second room

英式:First basement   Ground floor  First Floor

美式:First basement   First floor       Second Floor

1/3 one third ,   2/3 two thirds


  1. 定冠词
  2. 不定冠词
  3. 零冠词


  1. 专业、普通
  2. 可数不可数
  3. 具体、抽象


结尾是o,s,x,ch,sh   加es          hero – heroes

结尾是f,fe  变f为v加es           half – halves

辅音+o(为oo则加s)加es         echo -  echoes

辅音+y, 变y为i加es              city – cities

元音+y,     加s                            boy – boys

其余大部分加s                         girl – girls

不规则:man – men  goose – geese     foot – feet  tooth-teeth  fish-fish  child-children sheep-sheep  deer-deer  mouse-mice

只有复数:scissors , tweezers, glasses, congratulations, clothes,trousers,amend,shenanigans,cahoots,smithereens



  • Each life is precious.(强调个体,每一个生命)
  • Every life is precious.( 强调整体,整体的每一个生命=all)


  • We have no time. (作定语修饰n.)我们没有时间
  • None of them could escape(作主宾表语,表示没有一个人/物)

none, no one, nobody

  • None of us agreed with him. (none指人或物,可+of)
  • Almost no one believed him. (no one指人,谓语动词用单数)

other、the other、another、others

  • Do you like other styles?(不同种类的顶一个)
  • I have another story. (同种类的另一个)
  • Why not try the other box? (俩个中的另一个)
  • others 其余的全部

合成不定代词 + 谓语动词单数

  • something, anything, nothing, everything,
  • somebody, anybody, nobody, everybody
  • someone, anyone, no one, everyone

a few 几个    few几乎没有

a little 很少   little几乎没有

We can test each other. 互相

we are still attracted to one another. 互相

Do you want any drinks?     I don't get any question.


at the bus station、at midnight 具体某个地点、某个时刻

on the 1st floor 、on Monday September 2th 2020在上面、具体某一天

in Beijing、in Autumn 接大地点、一段时间,年、月、早晚、季节

on your left

Japan lies to the east of China. (不连着)

Canada lies on the north of American. (连着)


across/over 跨越,河流,街道,围墙

in under a year. 在一年以内(在,,之下,某物接触或覆盖时)

below freezing 低于某物或低于温度

beneath my expectations 能力,地位,期望

into 朝着里面去   in在里面






This is a beautiful small wooden table.

little               less      least

much/many  more   most

good/well      better  best

bad/ill             worse   worst

old                   older/elder    oldest/eldest

more and more fantastic 越来越了不起

the richer, the more badass. 越有

I have no more than four games. 我只有4款游戏

I have not more than four games. 我的游戏不超过4款

I have no more a PS4 than an XBOX ONE.既没有也没有

I am not careful than you. 不如

less than 少于

no less than 多于

not less than 不少于

no less… than表示和,,一样

That's much too experience.

I have too much money.

lonely 内心孤独的(寂寞)

alone 独自的,不一定内心孤独

living 活着的 存在的

alive 活着的人


sometimes 有时

sometime 未来的某个时候

some times (once, twice)

some time (一些时间)

see under for further information



实意动词 walk、eat、make

系动词 is are  look

静态动词 own cost consist

动词短语 come out , depend on  pay off


助动词  have  do shall  will should can

情态动词 can may  must  need


非谓语动词  (不定时,动名词,分词)

The teacher told us to do the homework.

I like swimming.

He heard about polluted air information.


  1. 跟助动词 can could might should will may must ought to , shall
  2. 跟感官动词 see watch observe hear listen to, feel  但是被动语态时需要补上
  3. 跟使役动词 let make have keep  help
  4. 跟why (not)
  5. 跟know
  6. 介词except,but
  7. 主语部分带do不定式做表语省略to
  8. 当俩个或多个作用相同的不定时并列式,第一个不定式前用to,其余不定式前的to可省略


So many children to look after, the mother has to quit her job.

The sun is rising, He sat here reading a book.

The task completed, we have a global traveling.

名词性从句 = 句子代替名词(主语/宾语/表语/同位语) + 句子其他成分 

主语从句 that, whether(做句子主语)

That he will win the match is certain. (normal)

  1. It is certain that he will win the match. (it做形式主语)
  2. It is said that he never laughed.
  3. It is uncertain whether/if he will come this evening.
  4. It happened/occurs to me that I meet my professor .
  5. It doesn't matter how it happened.
  6. Is it sure that you will come back here?


  • What we need is time.
  • What we need are good doctors.


  • It is to join a gun club that he will grow-up.


  1. Tell you son that playing game too much is bad for his eyes. 动词的宾语从句
  2. It all depends on whether it will be fine tomorrow. 介词的宾语从句
  3. I am sure that he will come soon.  形容词的宾语从句

a. find, feel, consider, make ,believe, think后有宾补的时要用it做形式宾语 ???

  • I find it interesting that talking to you.
  • I think it best that you should stay here.

b. think, believe, imagine, suppose, guess时,否定会转移到从句上

  • I don't believe that the car is good. 我相信这辆车不好

Note:It was in the hospital that I saw the Peter. 是强调句不是名词性从句


  1. The reason was that he was late for school.
  2. The question is whether they will be able to help us. (Note:if不能引导表语从句)
  3. The problem is who we can get to replace her.
  4. This is where they once lived.
  5. I think it is because you are doing too much.
  6. My suggestion is that we should start early tomorrow.

同位语从句  (that解释名词,先行词为idea , fact ,news ,suggestion)

  • The news that he will come here is real.

He will come here, which made us very excited. 定语从句



  1. He is the man that I saw yesterday. (that作宾语是可以省略)
  2. The boy who is playing basketball is from our class.
  3. Peter is good boy whom I want to see.
  4. He has a friends whose father is a doctor.


  1. The car engine of which is broken.= The car whose engine is broken. (指物时whose= of which)
  2. The school in which he once studied is very famous. 介词后面只能which
  3. The school which/that he once studied in is very famous.

修饰其他when,where,why (可以替换成 介词+which)

  1. The time when we got together finally arrived. = The time in which we got together finally arrived.
  2. China is the country where I was born. = China is the country in which I was born.
  3. The reason why she was moved to China. The reason for which she was moved to China. ???


I have a car, which is a sport car.  非限制形定语从句(删掉后不影响主句,一般用逗号隔开)

Peter was the only person who is a policeman. 限制性定语从句

that only

You have everything that you could ever need. 先行词时everything,anything,nobody,nothing

She is the first that you were loved. 先行词时序数词或被序数词修饰

This is the best car that I have ever seen.先行词时最高级或被最高级修饰

It is the only thing that might work. 先行词被the only、the very修饰

Who is the man that is standing by the gate? 先行词前面有who which

We talking about the car and Peter that is so funny.先行词时人和动物,人和物

who only

We were the ones who killed her. 先行词为one,anyone,those

Only you who can save her. 先行词时人称代词


时间 when as  while ,as soon as, before , after ,since ,not until, until/till

特殊引导词 the minute , the moment ,the second ,every time , the day, the instant, immediately, directly

no sooner than , hardly when, scarcely when, as soon as

倒装   no sooner…than , hardly …when , scarcely …when

  • No sooner had I arrived home than it began to rain.
  • Every time I listen to your advice, I get into trouble.
  • While John was watching TV ,his wife was cooking.

地点  where , wherever, anywhere ,everywhere

  • Where there is no rain, farming is difficult or impossible.
  • They were good persons. Where they went, there they were warmly welcomed.
  • You should have put the book where you found it.

原因 because, since, as, seeing that, now, that, in that, considering

  • My friends dislike me because I am handsome and successful.
  • Now that everybody has come, let's begin our conference.

目的 so that, in order that, lest, in case, for fear that, in the hope that

  • The boss asked the secretary to hurry up with the letters so that he could sign them.
  • The teacher raised his voice on purpose that the students in the back could hear more clearly.

结果 so/such … that,  such that, to the degree, to the extent that, to such a degree that

  • It is such a good chance that we must not miss it.
  • To such a degree was he excited that he could not sleep last night.
  • This news is exciting, so that he jumped up.

条件 if, unless, as/so long as, only if, providing/provided that, suppose that, in case that, on condition that

  • We’ll start our project if the president agrees.
  • You will certainly succeed so long as you keep on trying.

让步 though, although, even if, even though

特殊引导词as(必须倒装),while(一般在句首),no matter...,in spite of the fact that,while,whatever,


  • The old man always enjoys swimming even though the weather is rough.
  • No matter how hard he tried, she could not change her mind.

比较 as(同级比较)that(不同程度的比较)

特殊疑问词: the more...the more...,just as...,so...,a is to b what/as x is to y, no...more than, not a so much as b

  • The house is three times as big as ours.
  • The more you exercise, the healthier you will be.

方式 as,as if,how,the way

  • She behaved as if she were the boss.
  • we teach our children the way our parents have taught us.

主句和从句的主语一致时候,或者从句主语是it  从句谓语动词是be动词

When ( the museum is ) completed , the museum will be open to the public next year .

He will go to the seaside for his holiday if (it is ) possible.


I have never seen a car so fast before.(normal)

部分倒装 (助动词,情态动词,be动词提到主语前)

Never, hardly, little, not,nowhere 否定意义的词在句首

  • Never before have I seen a car so fast.


  • Only in this way can you have plenty of chances to make new friends.
  • Only then did I begin to like her.

Not only …but also, Not only … but …as well, No sooner … that, Hardly … when在句首,前半部分倒装

  • Not only had the poor man been arrested, but he had been sent to prison as well.
  • No sooner had he said that we would do the job.

as 引导的让步状语从句要部分倒装

  • The sunny day as it is, I shall not go out.
  • Hard as he worked, he is still penniless.

省略if的虚拟条件句,were, had, should等在主语前放在句首

  • If I were you, I must try it. = Were I you, I must try it.
  • If you had any questions, I can help. = Had you any questions, I can help.


  • So quickly does light travel that we can hardly imagine its speed.
  • So sudden was the attack that we had no time to escape.


  • May you succeed.


  1. There is a cat = A cat is there.  (there  be 句型)
  2. There is temple on the mountain. =  On the mountain is a temple. 时间地点副词或介词在句首
  3. So/Nor/Either do I.


陈述句强调句型 ( It+is/was+被强调部分+that/who/whom/which+其余部分 )

Peter lost his cell phone in the mall yesterday.(normal)

  • It was Peter that lost cell phone in the mall yesterday.
  • It was his cell phone that Peter lost in the mall yesterday.
  • It was in the mall that Peter lost his cell phone yesterday.
  • It was yesterday that Peter lost his cell phone in the mall


  • Was it Peter who lost cell phone in the mall yesterday?
  • Where was it that Peter lost his cell phone yesterday?


  • I do agree with you.
  • I did work hard this year.

强调句vs主语从句,去掉it be that看句意是否完整  ???

  • It was Peter that lost cell phone in the mall yesterday.强调句
  • It is certain that he will win the match.主语从句


  • It was in the mall that he lost his cell phone. 强调句
  • It was in the mall where he lost his cell phone.  定语从句


  • It was in the morning that he woke up.强调句
  • It was in the morning when he woke up.状语从句

虚拟语气 (可能发生的用主句将来时 从句现在时, 不可能发生的假设用虚拟语气)

If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home. 如果明天下雨,我会待在家里

If it should rain every day, I could be mad. 如果每天下雨,我可能会疯掉












were to+动词原形


If I were you, I would marry him without any hesitation. 从句对现在虚拟

If you had come yesterday, you would have met he. 对过去虚拟

If it should rain, the crops would be saved. 对将来虚拟

省略if的虚拟语气were, had, should等放在句首,条件句要部分倒装

  • If I were you, I must try it. = Were I you, I must try it.
  • If you had any questions, I can help you.= Had you any questions, I can help you.


  1. I wish I were to become a pilot. 表希望愿望时
  2. The doctor advised that she(should)cares about her health.表示命令建议时,(should)+原形
  3. It is clear that she(should)try it.  It be加形容词+that什么+(should)+动词原形
  4. You tell them that I would rather died here.表宁愿怎样时用虚拟语气,would rather + v-ed


  1. I told her if only she would try again. 表与将来不同:if only+ 从句主语+would(could, might)+动词原形
  2. I told her if only I didn't live in London. 表与现在不同:if only+从句主语+动词过去式
  3. I told her if only you had come to my birthday party. 表达与过去不同:if only+从句主语+would/could have/had+过去分词
  4. I told her as if she would try again. 表示与将来情况不同:as if+ 从句主语+would(could, might)+动词原形
  5. I told her as if I didn't live in London. 表示与现在情况不同: as if +从句主语+过去式
  6. I told her as if you had come to my birthday party. 表达与过去情况不同: as if +从句主语+would/could have/had+过去分词
  7. We took a lot of guns with in case/for fear that/lest it should meet terrorist. in case、for fear that、lest引导的状语从句虚拟语气,should可以省略


  1. Alex had done this without consulting her.
  2. But for your help, I might have failed.
  3. It was for the police to assess the validity or otherwise of the evidence


Electricity is necessary for modern life.

We need electricity for our mobile phones and electricity for our computers…

Without these our life would disintegrate… (写作加分句)

Therefore, we should realize the importance of electricity.

Research indicates that the characteristics we were born with have much more influence on our personality and development than experiences we have had in our life. Which do you think is the major influence?

The traits we inherit from our parents and the situation and experiences that we encounter in life are constantly interacting. It is the interaction of the two that shapes a person’s personality and dictates how that personality develops.

If this were not true, we would be able to predict the behavior and character of a person from the moment they were born.

插入语 (前后逗号隔开,插在主句里(句首句中句尾皆可),删掉插入语不影响整体句意)

  • I think there are other measures which could be equally, if not more, effective.
  • Cats, it seems, love to chew up cable.
  • The reason, of course, is that costs have rocketed.
  • Instead of becoming a doctor, however, he became a successful writer of detective stories.
  • Strange, there is nobody in the classroom.
  • Turkey would, of course, be the main dish.
  • I prefer to go tomorrow afternoon, at 6 pm.

双否  (一个句子有俩个否定,表肯定)加分句哦!

  • Impossible is nothing.
  • You can not fail to obey it.
  • The cat never fail to fascinate human beings.
  • You can not drive too carefully.  越…越…
  • There is no shortage of good ideas here. 不缺
  • I decision thinking is not unlike common.
  • Nobody was unhappy.
  • No one could deny the fact that everybody was happy. 没人能够否认…
  • There is no denying that everybody was happy. 不可否认…



  1. 一次Redis的使用Bug记录(exec)
  2. 网络编程-socket
  3. C++ 实现 发送HTTP Get/Post请求 good
  4. Script to set the Purchase Order Status to ‘OPEN’(将采购订单重新打开)
  5. ionic goto other page or alert
  6. QTREE3 spoj 2798. Query on a tree again! 树链剖分+线段树
  7. 在ListView中使用多个布局
  8. js之script属性async与defer
  9. 【Java每日一题】20170116
  10. 【Linux】查看系统位数
  11. ASP.NET MVC5 实现基于Quartz.NET任务调度
  12. DX11 Without DirectX SDK--02 渲染一个三角形
  13. php curl Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?)
  14. [Linux] Vim 撤销 回退 操作
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  17. mysql时间相加函数DATE_ADD()
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  1. Java并发之Exchanger类
  2. Vue实战之【企业开发常见问题】
  3. 排查 Kubernetes HPA 通过 Prometheus 获取不到 http_requests 指标的问题
  4. 花 1 小时,开源设计 LoRa 继电器开关
  5. 前端开发:这10个Chrome扩展你不得不知
  6. 【WPF学习】第四十九章 基本动画
  7. Java面试—消息队列
  8. java开发学生信息管理系统 源码
  9. Android中实现照片滑动时左右进出的动画的xml代码
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