
借这篇文章进行卷积神经网络的初步理解(Convolutional Nerual Networks)

Image Classification

  Image classification(图像分类) is the task of taking an input image and outputting a class(a dog, a cat, ect.) or a probablity of classes that best describes the image.

Inputs and Outputs

  When a computer sees an image, it will see an array of pixel values, e.g. 32*32*3, RGB(red,green,blue) values.




Biological Connection


First Layer - Math Part(Convolutional Layer aka conv layer)


  The filter(or a neuron神经元/kernel) has an array of numbers,called weights or parameters. The filter is convolving, next step(stride) is moving to the right by 1 unit.

  The depth of this filter has to be the same as the depth of the input, so the filter is 5*5*3. If we use two filters(5*5*3), the output would be 28*28*2.

First Layer - High Level Perspective

  Each of these filters can be thought of as feature identifiers(straight edges, colors, curves ect.).

  E.g. a curve detector

  The filter will have a pixel structure in which there will be higher numerical values along the area that is a shape of a curve.


  So we take this image as example.



Going Deeper Through the Network

  A classic CNN architecture would look like this:

  Input -> Conv -> ReLU -> Conv -> ReLU -> Pool -> ReLU -> Conv -> ReLU -> Pool -> Fully Connected Layer


  There're other layers that are interspersed(点缀,散布) between these conv layers, they provide nonlinearities (ReLU) and preservation(维度保护) of dimension(Pool) that help to improve the robustness(鲁棒性) of the network and control overfitting.

  As you go through more and more conv layers,(i).you get activation maps that represent more and more complex features;(ii).the filters begin to have a larger and larger receptive field.

Fully Connected Layer(FC)


  目前全连接由于参数冗余(仅全连接层参数就可占整个网络参数80%左右),近期有使用全局平均池化(global average pooling,GAP),通常有较好的预测性能。



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