1、BeautifulSoup 解析html如何使用


# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re #待分析字符串
html_doc = """
<title>The Dormouse's story</title>
<p class="title aq">
The Dormouse's story
</p> <p class="story">Once upon a time there were three little sisters; and their names were
<a href="http://example.com/elsie" class="sister" id="link1">Elsie</a>,
<a href="http://example.com/lacie" class="sister" id="link2">Lacie</a>
<a href="http://example.com/tillie" class="sister" id="link3">Tillie</a>;
and they lived at the bottom of a well.
</p> <p class="story">...</p>
""" # html字符串创建BeautifulSoup对象
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc, 'html.parser', from_encoding='utf-8') #输出第一个 title 标签
print soup.title #输出第一个 title 标签的标签名称
print soup.title.name #输出第一个 title 标签的包含内容
print soup.title.string #输出第一个 title 标签的父标签的标签名称
print soup.title.parent.name #输出第一个 p 标签
print soup.p #输出第一个 p 标签的 class 属性内容
print soup.p['class'] #输出第一个 a 标签的 href 属性内容
print soup.a['href']
soup的属性可以被添加,删除或修改. 再说一次, soup的属性操作方法与字典一样
#修改第一个 a 标签的href属性为 http://www.baidu.com/
soup.a['href'] = 'http://www.baidu.com/' #给第一个 a 标签添加 name 属性
soup.a['name'] = u'百度' #删除第一个 a 标签的 class 属性为
del soup.a['class'] ##输出第一个 p 标签的所有子节点
print soup.p.contents #输出第一个 a 标签
print soup.a #输出所有的 a 标签,以列表形式显示
print soup.find_all('a') #输出第一个 id 属性等于 link3 的 a 标签
print soup.find(id="link3") #获取所有文字内容
print(soup.get_text()) #输出第一个 a 标签的所有属性信息
print soup.a.attrs for link in soup.find_all('a'):
#获取 link 的 href 属性内容
print(link.get('href')) #对soup.p的子节点进行循环输出
for child in soup.p.children:
print(child) #正则匹配,名字中带有b的标签
for tag in soup.find_all(re.compile("b")):
print(tag.name) 2、cookie等使用方法以及函数爬虫 参照: https://cuiqingcai.com/968.html 3、header,代理,超时,认证,异常处理 参照: http://blog.csdn.net/m_buddy/article/details/55193762 4、错误异常处理 1.URLError # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import urllib
import urllib
from urllib import request
import re
import requests
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
from urllib.error import URLError, HTTPError if __name__ == "__main__":
url = "http://www.douyu.com/Jack_Cui.html"
request = urllib.request.Request(url)
response = urllib.request.urlopen(request)
# html = responese.read()
except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
print(e.code) 运行结果: C:\Python34\python.exe G:/xiaoshuo2.py
403 Process finished with exit code 0 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import urllib
import urllib
from urllib import request
import re
import requests
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
from urllib.error import URLError, HTTPError if __name__ == "__main__":
url = "http://www.douyu.com/Jack_Cui.html"
request = urllib.request.Request(url)
response = urllib.request.urlopen(request)
html = response.read().decode('utf-8')
except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
print(e.code) 运行结果: C:\Python34\python.exe G:/xiaoshuo2.py
403 Process finished with exit code 0 import urllib
import urllib
from urllib import request
import re
import requests
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
from urllib.error import URLError, HTTPError url = "http://www.douyu.com/Jack_Cui.html" rep=urllib.request.Request(url)
except urllib.error.URLError as e:
if hasattr(e,'code'):
if hasattr(e,'reason' ):
print(e.reason) 输出结果: C:\Python34\python.exe G:/xiaoshuo2.py
Forbidden Process finished with exit code 0 5、python打印防止换行和换行 https://www.cnblogs.com/kfx2007/p/5970784.html 实例: # coding=utf-8
import re language = '''''
<table class="infobox bordered vcard" style="width: 21em; font-size: 89%; text-align: left;" cellpadding="3">
<caption style="text-align: center; font-size: larger;" class="fn"><b>jenkins</b></caption>
<td><span class="nickname">(字) 翔宇</span></td>
<td><span class="org"><a href="../articles/%E4%B8%AD9A.html" title="篮球">篮球</a></span></td>
<td><a href="../articles/%E6%B5%9981.html" title="广西省">广西省</a><a href="../articles/%E7%BB%8D82.html" title="桂林市">桂林市</a></td>
''' #获取table中tr值
res_tr = r'<tr>(.*?)</tr>'
m_tr = re.findall(res_tr,language,re.S|re.M)
for line in m_tr:
#获取表格第一列th 属性
res_th = r'<th>(.*?)</th>'
m_th = re.findall(res_th,line,re.S|re.M)
for mm in m_th:
if "href" in mm: #如果获取加粗的th中含超链接则处理
restr = r'<a href=.*?>(.*?)</a>'
h = re.findall(restr,mm,re.S|re.M)
print (h[0],end=' ') #逗号连接属性值 防止换行
print (mm,end=' ') #unicode防止乱 #获取表格第二列td 属性值
res_td = r'<td>(.*?)</td>' #r'<td .*?>(.*?)</td>'
m_td = re.findall(res_td,line,re.S|re.M)
for nn in m_td:
if "href" in nn: #处理超链接<a href=../rel=..></a>
res_value = r'<a .*?>(.*?)</a>'
m_value = re.findall(res_value,nn,re.S|re.M)
for value in m_value:
print (value,end=' ')
elif "span" in nn: #处理标签<span>
res_value = r'<span .*?>(.*?)</span>'
m_value = re.findall(res_value,nn,re.S|re.M) #<td><span class="nickname">(字) 翔宇</span></td>
for value in m_value:
print (value,end=' ')
print (nn,end=' ')
print (' ') #换行 C:\Python34\python.exe G:/xiaoshuo2.py
性別: 男
異名: (字) 翔宇
爱好: 篮球
籍貫: 广西省 桂林市 6、python打印如何呢不换行 https://www.cnblogs.com/hwd9654/p/5707920.html # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import urllib
import re
#import requests
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
from urllib.error import URLError, HTTPError class Tool:
removeImg = re.compile('<img.*?>| {7}|')
removeAddr = re.compile('<a.*?>|</a>')
replaceLine = re.compile('<tr>|<div>|</div>|</p>')
replaceTD= re.compile('<td>')
replacePara = re.compile('<p.*?>')
replaceBR = re.compile('<br><br>|<br>')
removeExtraTag = re.compile('<.*?>')
def replace(self,x):
x = re.sub(self.removeImg,"",x)
x = re.sub(self.removeAddr,"",x)
x = re.sub(self.replaceLine,"\n",x)
x = re.sub(self.replaceTD,"\t",x)
x = re.sub(self.replacePara,"\n",x)
x = re.sub(self.replaceBR,"\n",x)
x = re.sub(self.removeExtraTag,"",x)
return x.strip() class BDTB:
def __init__(self,baseUrl,seeLZ):
self.baseURL = baseUrl
self.seeLZ = '?see_lz='+str(seeLZ)
self.tool = Tool()
def getPage(self,pageNum):
url = self.baseURL+ self.seeLZ + '&pn=' + str(pageNum)
request = urllib.request.Request(url)
response = urllib.request.urlopen(request).read().decode("utf8")
#print (response) return response
except urllib.error.URLError as e:
if hasattr(e,"reason"):
print ("连接百度贴吧失败,错误原因",e.reason)
return None
def getTitle(self):
page = self.getPage(1)
pattern = re.compile('<h3 class="core_title_txt.*?>(.*?)</h3>',re.S)
result = re.search(pattern,page)
if result:
#print (result.group(1))
return result.group(1).strip()
return None def getPageNum(self):
page = self.getPage(1)
pattern = re.compile('<li class="l_reply_num.*?</span>.*?<span.*?>(.*?)</span>',re.S)
result = re.search(pattern,page)
#print (result.group(1))
if result:
return result.group(1).strip()
return None
def getContent(self,page):
pattern = re.compile('<div id="post_content_.*?>(.*?)</div>',re.S)
items = re.findall(pattern,page)
floor = 1
for item in items:
print (floor,"楼-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n",end='')
#print ("楼---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n")
print (self.tool.replace(item))
floor += 1 baseURLh = 'http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3138733512'
bdtb = BDTB(baseURLh,1)
bdtb.getContent(bdtb.getPage(1)) 打印结果: C:\Python34\python.exe C:/Users/Administrator/ceshi.py
1 楼-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
很多媒体都在每赛季之前给球员排个名,我也有这个癖好…………,我会尽量理性的分析球队地位,个人能力等因素,评出我心目中的下赛季50大现役球员,这个50大是指预估他本赛季在篮球场上对球队的影响力……不是过去的荣誉什么的,所以难免有一定的主观性……如果把你喜欢的球星排低了,欢迎理性讨论! 状元维金斯镇楼
P.S 1 我每天都至少更新一个,不TJ。
2 今年的新秀我就不考虑了,没上赛季参照
2 楼-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
50 惊喜新人王 迈卡威
篮板 6.2 助攻 6.3 抢断 1.9 盖帽 0.6 失误 3.5 犯规 3 得分 16.7 新赛季第50位,我给上赛季的新人王迈卡威。 上赛季迈卡威在彻底重建的76人中迅速掌握了球队,一开始就三双搞定了热火赢得了万千眼球。后来也屡屡有经验的表现,新秀赛季就拿过三双的球员不多,迈卡威现在可以说在76人站稳了脚跟。 7、python爬虫xpath的语法 http://www.cnblogs.com/lonenysky/p/4649455.html //*[@id="AD_4586850"]/div[1]/strong/i //*[@id="shop_list"]/div[1]/strong/i
//*[@id="shop_list"] 8、requests用法 http://cuiqingcai.com/2556.html #-*—coding:utf8-*-
from lxml import etree
import requests
import re
import sys
#headers= { 'User-Agent' : 'User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/53.0.2785.143 Safari/537.36' }
html = requests.get('http://cuiqingcai.com')
print(html.text) 9、sub使用 http://blog.csdn.net/lovemianmian/article/details/8867613 1、去除imag标签 import re
text ='<imgJGood is a handsome boy,> he is cool, clever, and so on...'
removeImg = re.compile('<img.*?>')
print (s) C:\Python34\python.exe G:/xiaoshuo2.py
he is cool, clever, and so on... 1、1 单独去除7位长空格 import re
text ='<imgJGood is a handsome boy,> he is cool, clever, and so on...'
removeImg = re.compile('| {7}|')
print (s) 打印 C:\Python34\python.exe G:/xiaoshuo2.py
<imgJGood is a handsome boy,> he is cool, clever, and so on... 2、去除imag标签 + 去除7位长空格 import re
text ='<imgJGood is a handsome boy,> he is cool, clever, and so on...'
removeImg = re.compile('<img.*?>| {7}|')
print (s) 打印: C:\Python34\python.exe G:/xiaoshuo2.py
he is cool, clever, and so on... Process finished with exit code 0 3、去除imag标签 + 保留7位长空格 import re
text ='<imgJGood is a handsome boy,> he is cool, clever, and so on...' removeImg = re.compile('<img.*?>{7}')
print (s) 打印: C:\Python34\python.exe G:/xiaoshuo2.py
<imgJGood is a handsome boy,> he is cool, clever, and so on... Process finished with exit code 0 4、把两个标签中间的内容去掉 import re
text='<a href="http://jump2.bdimg.com/safecheck/index?url=x+Z5)">迈卡威</a>刷出了不错的数据'
removeImg = re.compile('<a.*?>|</a>')
print (s) 打印: C:\Python34\python.exe G:/xiaoshuo2.py
迈卡威刷出了不错的数据 5,把<br>换行符换成/n 换行符 import re
text ='height="510"><br><br><br><br>状元维金斯镇楼<br>P.S 1 我每天都至少更新一个,不TJ。<br> 2 今年的新秀我就不考虑了,没上赛季参照'
removeImg = re.compile('<br><br>|<br>')
print (s) C:\Python34\python.exe G:/xiaoshuo2.py
height=""> 状元维金斯镇楼
P.S 1 我每天都至少更新一个,不TJ。
2 今年的新秀我就不考虑了,没上赛季参照 5.1,把<br>换行符换成/n 换行符 import re
text ='height="510"><br><br><br><br>状元维金斯镇楼<br>P.S 1 我每天都至少更新一个,不TJ。<br> 2 今年的新秀我就不考虑了,没上赛季参照'
removeImg = re.compile('<br>')
print (s) C:\Python34\python.exe G:/xiaoshuo2.py
height=""> 状元维金斯镇楼
P.S 1 我每天都至少更新一个,不TJ。
2 今年的新秀我就不考虑了,没上赛季参照 10、正则表达式 <div class="list-item">
<div class="personal-info">
<div class="pic-word">
<div class="pic s60">
<a href="//mm.taobao.com/687471686.htm" target="_blank" class="lady-avatar"> <img src="//gtd.alicdn.com/sns_logo/i2/TB1XZ1PQVXXXXaJXpXXSutbFXXX.jpg_60x60.jpg" alt="" width="" height=""/>
<p class="top">
<a class="lady-name" href="//mm.taobao.com/self/model_card.htm?user_id=687471686" target="_blank">jenkins</a>
<span>广州市</span> pattern = re.compile('<div class="list-item">.*? href="(.*?)".*? src="(.*?)".*? target="_blank">(.*?)</a>.*?<strong>(.*?)</strong>.*?<span>(.*?)</span>',re.S)
或者 pattern = re.compile('<div class="list-item">.*?<a href="(.*?)".*?<img src="(.*?)".*?<a class="lady-name".*?>(.*?)</a>.*?<strong>(.*?)</strong>.*?<span>(.*?)</span>',re.S) https://image.baidu.com/search/index?tn=baiduimage&ct=201326592&lm=-1&cl=2&ie=gbk&word=%C3%C0%C5%AE%CD%BC%C6%AC&fr=ala&ala=1&alatpl=cover&pos=0&hs=2&xthttps=111111


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