1 #print("Hello world!")
2 print("Hello again")
3 print("I like typing this.")
4 print("This is fun.")
5 print('Yay!Printing.')
6 print("I'd much rather you 'not'.")
7 print('I "said" do not touch this.')
8 print('')
1 # A comment, this is so you can read your program later.
# Anything after the # is ignored by python. print("I could have code like this.") # and the comment after is ignored) # You can also use a comment to "disable"or comment out a piece of code:
# print("This won't run.") print("This will run.")
1 print("I will now count my chickens:") print("Hens",25+30/6)
print("Poosters",100-25*3%4) print("Now I will count the eggs:") print(3+2+1-5+4%2-1//4+6) print("Is it true that 3+2<5-7?") print(3+2<5-7) print("What is 3+2?",3+2)
print("What is 5-7?",5-7) print("Oh,that's why it's False.") print("How about some more.") print("Is it greater?",5 > -2)
print("Is it greater or equal?",5 >= -2)
print("Is it less or equal?",5 <= -2)
1 #给变量cars赋值为100
cars = 100
space_in_a_car = 4
drivers = 30
passengers = 90
cars_not_driven = cars - drivers
cars_driven = drivers
carpool_capacity = cars_driven * space_in_a_car
average_passengers_per_car = passengers // cars_driven print("There are",cars,"cars available.")
print("There are only",drivers,"drivers available.")
print("There will be",cars_not_driven,"empty cars today.")
print("We can transport",carpool_capacity,"people today.")
print("We have",passengers,"to carpool today.")
print("We need to put about",average_passengers_per_car,"in each car.")
1 my_name = 'Zed A. Shaw'
my_age = 35 # not a lie
my_height = 74 # inches
my_weight = 180 #lbs
my_eyes = 'Blue'
my_teeth = 'White'
my_hair = 'Brown' print("Let's talk about %s."% my_name)
print("He's %d inches tall."% my_height)
print("He's %d pounds heavy."% my_weight)
print("Actually that's not too heavy.")
print("His teeth are usually %s depending on the coffee."% my_teeth) # this line is tricky,try to get it exactly right
print("If I add %d,%d,and %d I get %d."%(my_age,my_height,my_weight,my_age+my_height+my_weight))
1 x = "There are %d types of people."%10
binary = "binary"
do_not = "don't"
y = "Those who know %s and those who %s."%(binary,do_not) print(x)
print(y) print("I said:%r."%x)
print("I also said:'%s'."%y) hilarious = False
joke_evaluation = "Isn't that joke so funny?!%r" print(joke_evaluation % hilarious) w = "This is the left side of..."
e = "a string with a right side." print(w+e)
1 print("Mary had a little lamb.")
print("Its fleece was white as %s."%'snow')
print("And everywhere that Mary went.")
print("."*10) # what'd that do? end1 = "C"
end2 = "h"
end3 = "e"
end4 = "e"
end5 = "s"
end6 = "e"
end7 = "B"
end8 = "u"
end9 = "r"
end10 = "g"
end11 = "e"
end12 = "r" # watch that comma at the end. try removing it to see what happens print(end1+end2+end3+end4+end5+end6,end=" ")
1 formatter = "%r %r %r %r" print(formatter %(1,2,3,4))
print(formatter %("one","two","three","four"))
print(formatter %(True,False,False,True))
print(formatter %(formatter,formatter,formatter,formatter))
print(formatter %(
"I had this thing.",
"That you could type up right.",
"But it didn't sing.",
"So I said goodnight."
1 # Here's some new strange stuff,remember type it exactly. days = "Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun"
months = "Jan\nFeb\nMar\nApr\nMay\nJun\nJul\nAug" print("Here are the days: ",days)
print("Here are the months: ",months) print("""
There's something going on here.
With the three double-quotes.
We'll be able to type as much as we like.
Even 4 lines if we want,or 5,or 6.
1 tabby_cat = "\tI'm tabbed in."
persian_cat = "I'm split\non a line."
backslash_cat = "I'm \\a\\ cat." fat_cat = '''
I'll do a list:
\t* Cat food
\t* Fishies
\t* Catnip\n\t* Grass
''' print(tabby_cat)


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