eos token 兑换价格预估查询:   https://eosscan.io/


Some people are asking how to check if their registration was successfully processed. Even though registering your EOS public key can be done anytime between now and 48 hours after the end of the ICO, having the ability to check this may bring some people peace of mind. If there is an empty result, just be sure you register your EOS key before the ERC20 tokens are frozen 48 hours after the end of the 341 day ICO.

  1. Go to https://www.myetherwallet.com/#contracts
    2.Under heading Select Existing Contract is a dropdown, select EOS Contribution
  2. Select "Keys" from the dropdown.
  3. In the Address field, enter your Ethereum address.
  4. Click Read
  5. The EOS address that has been mapped Ethereum wallet will be displayed below the input, if it is not check your address and try again, or check out the article I linked at the bottom of this article.

It is also possible to update the EOS public key mapped to your ETH address if you see a problem...

First of all, you need to follow this guide about generating a new contract to claim tokens

If you have done it correctly, now you need to Log In to your myetherwallet.
You should find "Add Custom Token" button. Go and click it

Now, what you need to do is put this address (from official eos.io):

Token Symbol is EOS

Decimals is: 18

Now you should have your EOS in your wallet (as shown in the picture).

Thank you for reading :)


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