
if(c>='A' && c<'Z')  return true;


if((c<'z' && c>'a') || (c<'Z' && c>'A') || (c>'' && c<''))  return true

minix的做法是定义一个256元素的unsigned char _ctypes[]数组,由于8位需要8种属性分别描述,如下:

#define _U        0x01    /* this bit is for upper-case letters [A-Z] */
#define _L 0x02 /* this bit is for lower-case letters [a-z] */
#define _N 0x04 /* this bit is for numbers [0-9] */
#define _S 0x08 /* this bit is for white space \t \n \f etc */
#define _P 0x10 /* this bit is for punctuation characters */
#define _C 0x20 /* this bit is for control characters */
#define _X 0x40 /* this bit is for hex digits [a-f] and [A-F]*/#define _PROTOTYPE(function, params) function params


_PROTOTYPE( int isalnum, (int  _c)  );    /* alphanumeric [a-z], [A-Z], [0-9] */
_PROTOTYPE( int isalpha, (int _c) ); /* alphabetic */
_PROTOTYPE( int iscntrl, (int _c) ); /* control characters */
_PROTOTYPE( int isdigit, (int _c) ); /* digit [0-9] */
_PROTOTYPE( int isgraph, (int _c) ); /* graphic character */
_PROTOTYPE( int islower, (int _c) ); /* lower-case letter [a-z] */
_PROTOTYPE( int isprint, (int _c) ); /* printable character */
_PROTOTYPE( int ispunct, (int _c) ); /* punctuation mark */
_PROTOTYPE( int isspace, (int _c) ); /* white space sp, \f, \n, \r, \t, \v*/
_PROTOTYPE( int isupper, (int _c) ); /* upper-case letter [A-Z] */
_PROTOTYPE( int isxdigit,(int _c) ); /* hex digit [0-9], [a-f], [A-F] */
_PROTOTYPE( int tolower, (int _c) ); /* convert to lower-case */
_PROTOTYPE( int toupper, (int _c) ); /* convert to upper-case */


#define isalnum(c)    ((__ctype+1)[c]&(_U|_L|_N))
#define isalpha(c) ((__ctype+1)[c]&(_U|_L))
#define iscntrl(c) ((__ctype+1)[c]&_C)
#define isgraph(c) ((__ctype+1)[c]&(_P|_U|_L|_N))
#define ispunct(c) ((__ctype+1)[c]&_P)
#define isspace(c) ((__ctype+1)[c]&_S)
#define isxdigit(c) ((__ctype+1)[c]&(_N|_X)) #define isdigit(c) ((unsigned) ((c)-'0') < 10)
#define islower(c) ((unsigned) ((c)-'a') < 26)
#define isupper(c) ((unsigned) ((c)-'A') < 26)
#define isprint(c) ((unsigned) ((c)-' ') < 95)
#define isascii(c) ((unsigned) (c) < 128)


char __ctype[] = {



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