

We define the parity of an integer N as the sum of the bits in binary representation computed modulo two. As an example, the number 21 = 10101 has three 1s in its binary representation so it has parity 3 (mod 2), or 1.
In this problem you have to calculate the parity of an integer 1 <= I <= 2147483647 (2^31-1). Then, let start to work...

Input specification

Each line of the input has an integer I and the end of the input is indicated by a line where I = 0 that should not be processed.

Output specification

For each integer I in the input you should print one line in the form "The parity of B is P (mod 2)." where B is the binary representation of I.

Sample input


Sample output

The parity of 1 is 1 (mod 2).
The parity of 10 is 1 (mod 2).
The parity of 1010 is 2 (mod 2).
The parity of 10101 is 3 (mod 2).


void NumericParity()
int n = 0;
bitset<32> bi;
while (cin>>n && n)
bi = n;
cout<<"The parity of ";
bool flag = false;
for (int i = bi.size() - 1; i >= 0 ; i--)
flag |= bi.test(i);
if (flag) cout<<bi[i];
cout<<" is "<<bi.count()<<" (mod 2).\n";


static bool biNum[32];

int intTobi(int n)
int i = 0, c = 0;
while (n)
c += n % 2;
biNum[i++] = n % 2;
n >>= 1;
return c;
} void NumericParity2()
int n = 0;
while (cin>>n && n)
fill(biNum, biNum+32, false);
cout<<"The parity of ";
int c = intTobi(n);
bool flag = false;
for (int i = 31; i >= 0 ; i--)
flag |= biNum[i];
if (flag) cout<<biNum[i];
cout<<" is "<<c<<" (mod 2).\n";


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