package org.springframework.web.servlet.view.xml;


import java.util.Map;

import javax.servlet.ServletException;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;


import org.springframework.beans.BeansException;

import org.springframework.oxm.Marshaller;

import org.springframework.util.Assert;

import org.springframework.util.FileCopyUtils;

import org.springframework.web.servlet.view.AbstractView;

public class XmlMarshallerView extends AbstractView {


     * Default content type. Overridable as bean property.


    public static final String DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/xml";

private Marshaller marshaller;


    private JibxMarshallerFactory jibxMarshallerFactory;


    private String modelKey;


     * Constructs a new {@code MarshallingView} with no {@link Marshaller} set. The marshaller must be set after

     * construction by invoking {@link #setMarshaller(Marshaller)}.


    public XmlMarshallerView() {





     * Constructs a new {@code MarshallingView} with the given {@link Marshaller} set.


    public XmlMarshallerView(Marshaller marshaller) {

        Assert.notNull(marshaller, "'marshaller' must not be null");


        this.marshaller = marshaller;



public void setJibxMarshallerFactory(JibxMarshallerFactory jibxMarshallerFactory) {

        this.jibxMarshallerFactory = jibxMarshallerFactory;



     * Sets the {@link Marshaller} to be used by this view.


    public void setMarshaller(Marshaller marshaller) {

        Assert.notNull(marshaller, "'marshaller' must not be null");

        this.marshaller = marshaller;



     * Set the name of the model key that represents the object to be marshalled. If not specified, the model map will be

     * searched for a supported value type.


     * @see Marshaller#supports(Class)


    public void setModelKey(String modelKey) {

        this.modelKey = modelKey;



    protected void initApplicationContext() throws BeansException {

        if (marshaller == null && jibxMarshallerFactory == null) {

            throw new RuntimeException("Property 'marshaller' or 'jibxMarshallerFactory', at least one is required");




    protected void renderMergedOutputModel(Map<String, Object> model,

                                           HttpServletRequest request,

                                           HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {

        Object toBeMarshalled = locateToBeMarshalled(model);


        if (toBeMarshalled == null) {

            throw new ServletException("Unable to locate object to be marshalled in model: " + model);


        ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(2048);

        marshaller.marshal(toBeMarshalled, new StreamResult(bos));

setResponseContentType(request, response);


FileCopyUtils.copy(bos.toByteArray(), response.getOutputStream());



     * Locates the object to be marshalled. The default implementation first attempts to look under the configured

     * {@linkplain #setModelKey(String) model key}, if any, before attempting to locate an object of {@linkplain

     * Marshaller#supports(Class) supported type}.


     * @param model the model Map

     * @return the Object to be marshalled (or {@code null} if none found)

     * @throws ServletException if the model object specified by the {@linkplain #setModelKey(String) model key} is not

     *                          supported by the marshaller

     * @see #setModelKey(String)


    protected Object locateToBeMarshalled(Map<String, Object> model) throws ServletException {

        if (this.modelKey != null) {

            Object o = model.get(this.modelKey);

            if (o == null) {

                throw new ServletException("Model contains no object with key [" + modelKey + "]");



            if (!this.marshaller.supports(o.getClass())) {

                throw new ServletException("Model object [" + o + "] retrieved via key [" + modelKey +

                        "] is not supported by the Marshaller");


            return o;


        for (Object o : model.values()) {

            if (o != null) {


                if (this.marshaller.supports(o.getClass())) {

                    return o;




        return null;




     * check the marshaller is null or not

     * @param object if the marshaller is null, will query from jibxMarshallerFactory by object


    protected void checkMarshaller(Object object) {

        if (marshaller == null) {

            marshaller = jibxMarshallerFactory.getJibxMarshaller(object.getClass());




这个类参考了spring mvc的MarshallingView。不同就是引入了JibxMarshallerFactory。因为jibx 要对每个要序列化的类进行字节码增强。如果使用xstream等xml框架则不需要使用这个类。当然使用也是可以的。可以直接使用MarshallingView。

package com.vteba.service.xml.jibx;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.List;import java.util.Map;import org.slf4j.Logger;import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean;import org.springframework.oxm.jibx.JibxMarshaller;/**
 * JibxMarshaller Factory。
 * @author yinlei
 * date 2013-8-1 下午8:10:45
        privatestaticLogger logger =LoggerFactory.getLogger(JibxMarshallerFactory.class);
        privatestaticfinalString BINDING_NAME ="Binding";         privateList<Class<?>> targetClassList;
        privateMap<Class<?>,JibxMarshaller> jibxCache =newHashMap<Class<?>,JibxMarshaller>();         @Override
        publicvoid afterPropertiesSet()throwsException{
                if(targetClassList !=null){
                        for(Class<?> clazz : targetClassList){
                                JibxMarshaller jibxMarshaller =newJibxMarshaller();
                                jibxCache.put(clazz, jibxMarshaller);
        }         publicList<Class<?>> getTargetClassList(){
                return targetClassList;
        }         publicvoid setTargetClassList(List<Class<?>> targetClassList){
                this.targetClassList = targetClassList;
        }         publicJibxMarshaller getJibxMarshaller(Class<?> targetClass){
                return jibxCache.get(targetClass);






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