Did you know… That you can hide the solution and advanced build configurations

Under Tools – Options – Projects and Solutions – General, there are options for both Always show solution and Show advanced build configurations.

Both options will affect the menu structure, changing which items appear or are enabled.

The Show advanced build configurations includes the Configuration Manager and the Solution Configurations and Solution Platforms combo boxes on the standard toolbar.

Under most conditions, these options will work; however, there are some exceptions.

  • Regardless of setting, the solution will still appear if you open a solution with multiple projects.
  • Regardless of setting, Advanced build configurations will appear if you open a project or solution that has mixed platforms or mixed solution and project configurations, like Solution is set to Debug, but Project is set to Release.

Happy Visual Studio’ing!

When you use the simplified build configuration, Visual Studio determines whether to build a debug or release version. Choosing the simplified build configuration implements the following settings:

  • The Start Debugging command on the Debug menu (F5) creates a debug version, and puts the build in the debug location regardless of the output path you specify.

  • The Build command on the Build menu uses the settings from the appropriate Project Designer pages.The Output path is on the Build page (C#) or Compile page (Visual Basic) of the Project Designer.

  • The Build menu does not contain the Configuration Manager command.

  • The Configuration and Platform drop-down lists do not appear on Project Designer pages.

  • On the toolbar, the Solution Configurations and Solution Platforms drop-down lists are not available.






已启动全部重新生成: 项目: WindowsFormsApplication2, 配置: Release Any CPU

不管你在项目属性中设置的是什么,提示都是Release Any CPU



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