

Export MongoDB data to CSV, TSV or JSON files.
  --help                                produce help message
  -v [ --verbose ]                      be more verbose (include multiple times
                                        for more verbosity e.g. -vvvvv)
  --version                             print the program's version and exit
  -h [ --host ] arg                     mongo host to connect to ( <set
                                        name>/s1,s2 for sets)
  --port arg                            server port. Can also use --host
  --ipv6                                enable IPv6 support (disabled by
  --ssl                                 use SSL for all connections
  -u [ --username ] arg                 username
  -p [ --password ] arg                 password
  --authenticationDatabase arg          user source (defaults to dbname)
  --authenticationMechanism arg (=MONGODB-CR)
                                        authentication mechanism
  --dbpath arg                          directly access mongod database files
                                        in the given path, instead of
                                        connecting to a mongod  server - needs
                                        to lock the data directory, so cannot
                                        be used if a mongod is currently
                                        accessing the same path
  --directoryperdb                      each db is in a separate directly
                                        (relevant only if dbpath specified)
  --journal                             enable journaling (relevant only if
                                        dbpath specified)
  -d [ --db ] arg                       database to use
  -c [ --collection ] arg               collection to use (some commands)
  -f [ --fields ] arg                   comma separated list of field names
                                        e.g. -f name,age
  --fieldFile arg                       file with fields names - 1 per line
  -q [ --query ] arg                    query filter, as a JSON string
  --csv                                 export to csv instead of json
  -o [ --out ] arg                      output file; if not specified, stdout
                                        is used
  --jsonArray                           output to a json array rather than one
                                        object per line
  -k [ --slaveOk ] arg (=1)             use secondaries for export if
                                        available, default true
  --forceTableScan                      force a table scan (do not use


mongoexport -h IP --port 端口 -u 用户名 -p 密码 -d 数据库 -c 表名 -f 字段1,字段2 -q‘{条件导出}’ --csv -o 文件名


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