#include <afxinet.h>

//GB2312 转换成 Unicode
wchar_t* GB2312ToUnicode(const char* szGBString)
UINT nCodePage = 936; //GB2312 int nLength=MultiByteToWideChar(nCodePage,0,szGBString,-1,NULL,0); wchar_t* pBuffer = new wchar_t[nLength+1]; MultiByteToWideChar(nCodePage,0,szGBString,-1,pBuffer,nLength); pBuffer[nLength]=0; return pBuffer;
} CString CNetDlg::GetNetIp()
    CString internetIp = _T("");     char chSource[4096] = {0};
    CString strAddress;
    CInternetSession mySession(NULL,0);
    CHttpFile* myHttpFile=NULL;     strAddress = _T("http://20140507.ip138.com/ic.asp");//ip138网页     TRY
        myHttpFile = (CHttpFile*)mySession.OpenURL(strAddress);//读取网络地址         while(myHttpFile->Read(chSource, 4096))
            int begin = 0;             // 眼下仅仅处理字符集为gb2312的情况
            begin = CKMP<BYTE*>::Find((BYTE*)chSource, strlen(chSource), (BYTE*)_C("charset=gb2312"), 14);
            if (begin != -1)
                WCHAR* wchSource = GB2312ToUnicode(chSource);
                internetIp = wchSource;
                delete[] wchSource;
            }             begin = internetIp.Find(_T("["), 0);             if(begin !=- 1)//假设找到"[", 则找"]"  中括号内的文本则是 你的外网ip
                int end=internetIp.Find(_T("]"));                 internetIp = internetIp.Mid(begin+1, end-begin-1);//提取外网ip                 break;
        }         myHttpFile->Close();         mySession.Close();
        internetIp.Format(T_T(_$_STRING_FORMAT_1), e->m_dwError, e->m_dwContext);
        TCHAR ch[MAX_PATH] = {0};
        e->GetErrorMessage(ch, MAX_PATH);
        internetIp.Format(T_T(_$_STRING_FORMAT_1), -3, ch);
    END_CATCH_ALL     TRACE(internetIp);     return internetIp;







<tr><td align="center"><h3>www.ip138.com IP查询(搜索IP地址的地理位置)</h3></td></tr>
<td height="30" align="center" valign="top"><iframe src="http://20140507.ip138.com/ic.asp" rel="nofollow" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="100%" height="100%"></iframe></td>


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