1. 题意:软件组件之间会有依赖关系,比如你下一个Codeblocks你也得顺带着把编译器给下上。你的任务是模拟安装和卸载软件组件的过程。有以下五种指令,如果指令为“END”则退出程序;若为以下四种指令,则分别作对应操作:
Command Syntax Interpretation/Response
DEPEND item1 item2 [item3 ...] item1 depends on item2 (and item3 ...)
INSTALL item1 install item1 and those on which it depends
REMOVE item1 remove item1, and those on which it depends, if possible

list the names of all currently-installed components


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stack>
#include <queue>
#include <bitset>
#include <cassert> using namespace std; const int maxn = ;
int cnt = ;
map<string, int> name2id; // 把名字转化为整数,方便处理
string name[maxn]; vector<int> depend[maxn]; // 组件x所以来的组件列表
vector<int> depended[maxn]; // 依赖于x的组件列表 int status[maxn]; // 0表示组件x未安装,1表示显示安装,2表示隐式安装
vector<int> installed; // 存放安装过的组件,安装过的就不要再安装了 // 把名字转化为整数维护
int ID(const string& item)
if (!name2id.count(item)) {
name[++cnt] = item;
name2id[item] = cnt;
return name2id[item];
} // 是否有组件依赖于item
bool needed(int item)
for (int i = ; i < depended[item].size(); i++) {
if (status[depended[item][i]]) {
return true;
return false;
} // 安装item,如果有依赖项,递归的继续安装
void install(int item, bool toplevel)
if (!status[item]) {
for (int i = ; i < depend[item].size(); i++) {
install(depend[item][i], false);
cout << " Installing " << name[item] << endl;
status[item] = toplevel ? : ;
} // 判断是否能删除,如果能,删除之后递归的删除其他所依赖的组件
void remove(int item, bool toplevel)
if ((toplevel || status[item] == ) && !needed(item)) {
status[item] = ;
installed.erase(remove(installed.begin(), installed.end(), item), installed.end());
cout << " Removing " << name[item] << endl;
for (int i = ; i < depend[item].size(); i++) {
remove(depend[item][i], false);
} // 按照安装顺序输出
void list()
for (int i = ; i < installed.size(); i++) {
cout << " " << name[installed[i]] << endl;
} int main()
string line, cmd;
memset(status, , sizeof(status));
while (getline(cin, line)) {
cout << line << endl;
stringstream ss(line);
ss >> cmd;
if (cmd[] == 'E') {
string item1, item2;
if (cmd[] == 'L') {
else {
ss >> item1;
int i1 = ID(item1);
if (cmd[] == 'D') {
while (ss >> item2) {
int i2 = ID(item2);
else if (cmd[] == 'I') {
if (status[i1]) {
cout << " " << item1 << " is already installed.\n";
else {
install(i1, true);
else {
if (!status[i1]) {
cout << " " << item1 << " is not installed.\n";
else if (needed(i1)) {
cout << " " << item1 << " is still needed.\n";
else {
remove(i1, true);
} return ;


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