本系列文章由 @yhl_leo 出品,转载请注明出处。

文章链接: http://blog.csdn.net/yhl_leo/article/details/52185581

PASCAL VOC图像分割数据集中,图像中各个类别以不同的颜色进行区分,即Ground Truth中,每种颜色都对应着相应的类别:

可以看出这个颜色表既好看又容易区分开。下面来看,这个color map是如何产生的。


% VOCLABELCOLORMAP Creates a label color map such that adjacent indices have different
% colors. Useful for reading and writing index images which contain large indices,
% by encoding them as RGB images.
% CMAP = VOCLABELCOLORMAP(N) creates a label color map with N entries.
function cmap = labelcolormap(N) if nargin==0
cmap = zeros(N,3);
for i=1:N
id = i-1; r=0;g=0;b=0;
for j=0:7
r = bitor(r, bitshift(bitget(id,1),7 - j));
g = bitor(g, bitshift(bitget(id,2),7 - j));
b = bitor(b, bitshift(bitget(id,3),7 - j));
id = bitshift(id,-3);
cmap(i,1)=r; cmap(i,2)=g; cmap(i,3)=b;
cmap = cmap / 255;


对于VOC 20类的分割问题,我们调用:labelcolormap(21),可以得到如下输出(这里把结果乘以255,使用整数表示):

     0     0     0
128 0 0
0 128 0
128 128 0
0 0 128
128 0 128
0 128 128
128 128 128
64 0 0
192 0 0
64 128 0
192 128 0
64 0 128
192 0 128
64 128 128
192 128 128
0 64 0
128 64 0
0 192 0
128 192 0
0 64 128
索引值 颜色值 颜色
0 (0,0,0)
1 (128,0,0)
2 (0,128,0)
3 (128,128,0)
4 (0,0,128)
5 (128,0,128)
6 (0,128,128)
7 (128,128,128)
8 (64,0,0)
9 (192,0,0)
10 (64,128,0)
11 (192,128,0)
12 (64,0,128)
13 (192,0,128)
14 (64,128,128)
15 (192,128,128)
16 (0,64,0)
17 (128,64,0)
18 (0,192,0)
19 (128,192,0)
20 (0,64,128)


def uint82bin(n, count=8):
"""returns the binary of integer n, count refers to amount of bits"""
return ''.join([str((n >> y) & 1) for y in range(count-1, -1, -1)]) def labelcolormap(N):
cmap = np.zeros((N, 3), dtype = np.uint8)
for i in range(N):
r = 0
g = 0
b = 0
id = i
for j in range(7):
str_id = uint82bin(id)
r = r ^ ( np.uint8(str_id[-1]) << (7-j))
g = g ^ ( np.uint8(str_id[-2]) << (7-j))
b = b ^ ( np.uint8(str_id[-3]) << (7-j))
id = id >> 3
cmap[i, 0] = r
cmap[i, 1] = g
cmap[i, 2] = b
return cmap


[[  0   0   0]
[128 0 0]
[ 0 128 0]
[128 128 0]
[ 0 0 128]
[128 0 128]
[ 0 128 128]
[128 128 128]
[ 64 0 0]
[192 0 0]
[ 64 128 0]
[192 128 0]
[ 64 0 128]
[192 0 128]
[ 64 128 128]
[192 128 128]
[ 0 64 0]
[128 64 0]
[ 0 192 0]
[128 192 0]
[ 0 64 128]]



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