


该算法对应的实现文件为SIRFlt.hpp,这里我们需要注意的是1) SIR algorithm is sensitive to random generator. In particular random uniform must be [0..1) NOT [0..1];2) Quantisation in the random number generator must not approach the sample size. This will result in quantisation of the resampling. For example if random identically equal to 0 becomes highly probable due to quantisation this will result in the first sample being selectively draw whatever its likelihood.

 [1] "Novel approach to nonlinear-non-Guassian Bayesian state estimation".NJ Gordon, DJ Salmond, AFM Smith IEE Proceeding-F Vol.140 No.2 April 1993.
 [2] Building Robust Simulation-based Filter for Evolving Data Sets". J Carpenter, P Clifford, P Fearnhead Technical Report Unversity of Oxford.


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