// ViewController.m
// 03-综合练习
// Created by xiaomage on 15/12/28.
// Copyright © 2015年 小码哥. All rights reserved.
// #import "ViewController.h" @interface ViewController () // 购物车
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIView *shopCarView;
// 添加按钮
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIButton *addButton;
// 删除按钮
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIButton *removeButton; /** 数据数组 */
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray *dataArr;
@end @implementation ViewController
* 懒加载
3>全局都可以使用 过程:
- (NSArray *)dataArr{
if (_dataArr == nil) {
// 加载数据
self.dataArr = @[
@{@"name":@"单肩包", @"icon":@"danjianbao"},
@{@"name":@"钱包", @"icon":@"qianbao"},
@{@"name":@"链条包", @"icon":@"liantiaobao"},
@{@"name":@"手提包", @"icon":@"shoutibao"},
@{@"name":@"双肩包", @"icon":@"shuangjianbao"},
@{@"name":@"斜挎包", @"icon":@"xiekuabao"}
return _dataArr;
} // 初始化数据
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad]; // NSArray<NSDictionary *> *dataArr = @[
// @{@"name":@"单肩包", @"icon":@"danjianbao"},
// @{@"name":@"钱包", @"icon":@"qianbao"},
// @{@"name":@"链条包", @"icon":@"liantiaobao"},
// @{@"name":@"手提包", @"icon":@"shoutibao"},
// @{@"name":@"双肩包", @"icon":@"shuangjianbao"},
// @{@"name":@"斜挎包", @"icon":@"xiekuabao"}
// ];
// self.dataArr = dataArr;
} /**
* 添加到购物车
* @param button 按钮
- (IBAction)add:(UIButton *)button {
// 1.总列数
NSInteger allCols = ;
// 2.商品的宽度 和 高度
CGFloat width = ;
CGFloat height = ;
// 3.求出水平间距 和 垂直间距
CGFloat hMargin = (self.shopCarView.frame.size.width - allCols * width) / (allCols -);
CGFloat vMargin = (self.shopCarView.frame.size.height - * height) / ;
// 4. 设置索引
NSInteger index = self.shopCarView.subviews.count;
// 5.求出x值
CGFloat x = (hMargin + width) * (index % allCols);
CGFloat y = (vMargin + height) * (index / allCols); /***********************2.创建一个商品*****************************/
// 1.创建商品的view
UIView *shopView = [[UIView alloc] init]; // 2.设置frame
shopView.frame = CGRectMake(x, y, width, height); // 3.设置背景颜色
shopView.backgroundColor = [UIColor greenColor]; // 4.添加到购物车
[self.shopCarView addSubview:shopView]; // 5.创建商品的UIImageView对象
UIImageView *iconView = [[UIImageView alloc] init];
iconView.frame = CGRectMake(, , width, width);
iconView.backgroundColor = [UIColor blueColor];
[shopView addSubview:iconView]; // 6.创建商品标题对象
UILabel *titleLabel = [[UILabel alloc] init];
titleLabel.frame = CGRectMake(, width, width, height - width);
titleLabel.backgroundColor = [UIColor yellowColor];
titleLabel.textAlignment = NSTextAlignmentCenter; // 居中
[shopView addSubview:titleLabel]; /***********************3.设置数据*****************************/
// 方式四 (数组 + 字典)
NSArray<NSDictionary *> *dataArr = @[
@{@"name":@"单肩包", @"icon":@"danjianbao"},
@{@"name":@"钱包", @"icon":@"qianbao"},
@{@"name":@"链条包", @"icon":@"liantiaobao"},
@{@"name":@"手提包", @"icon":@"shoutibao"},
@{@"name":@"双肩包", @"icon":@"shuangjianbao"},
@{@"name":@"斜挎包", @"icon":@"xiekuabao"}
// 懒加载
if (self.dataArr == nil) {
self.dataArr = @[
@{@"name":@"单肩包", @"icon":@"danjianbao"},
@{@"name":@"钱包", @"icon":@"qianbao"},
@{@"name":@"链条包", @"icon":@"liantiaobao"},
@{@"name":@"手提包", @"icon":@"shoutibao"},
@{@"name":@"双肩包", @"icon":@"shuangjianbao"},
@{@"name":@"斜挎包", @"icon":@"xiekuabao"}
// 设置数据
NSDictionary *dict = self.dataArr[index];//调用get方法
iconView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:dict[@"icon"]];
titleLabel.text = dict[@"name"];
/***********************4.设置按钮的状态*****************************/ button.enabled = (index != ); // 5.设置删除按钮的状态
self.removeButton.enabled = YES; } /**
* 从购物车中删除
* @param button 按钮
- (IBAction)remove:(UIButton *)button {
// 1. 删除最后一个商品
UIView *lastShopView = [self.shopCarView.subviews lastObject];
[lastShopView removeFromSuperview]; // 3. 设置添加按钮的状态
self.addButton.enabled = YES; // 4. 设置删除按钮的状态
if (self.shopCarView.subviews.count == 0) {
self.removeButton.enabled = NO;
self.removeButton.enabled = (self.shopCarView.subviews.count != ); }


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