
void abc::fun()
} bool abc::fun()
bool result = fun1();
EXPECT_TRUE(result );
return result ;
ASSERT_TRUE is a macro. When expanded it will contain a branch like:

if (fun1() == false) {
This is how ASSERT_TRUE does a hard stop on failure, but it also means that your method bool abc::fun() now has a void return exit path, in conflict with its signature. Possible fixes include don't use hard stop asserts: bool abc::fun(){
bool result = fun1();
EXPECT_TRUE(result); //No return in expansion
//No hard stop!
return result;
or change your methods return type if not needed: void abc::fun(){
ASSERT_TRUE(fun1()); //Hard stop on failure
or return by reference: void abc::fun(bool &outResult){
outResult = fun1(); //return result by reference



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