
To unplug a PDB, you first close it and then generate an XML manifest file. The XML file contains information about the names and the full paths of the tablespaces, as well as data files of the unplugged PDB. The information will be used by the plugging operation.

In this section, you unplug two PDBs to plug them with different methods.

Use SQL*Plus to close the PDBs before they can
be unplugged. Note: The pdb2 database may not have been opened, so you
may receive an error that the PDB is already closed.

. oraenv

[enter cdb1 at the prompt]

1. 操作步骤如下:(预先检查cdb 和plug pdb 兼容性,发现一旦不兼容,plug pdb 只能以受限制模式打开)


exec dbms_pdb.describe (‘PDB1_Unplug.xml’, ‘PtestDEV’);
  --localtion is D:\appOra12c\Administrator\product\12.1.0\dbhome_1\database
step 2:


set serveroutput on
  if dbms_pdb.check_plug_compatibility('C:\app\software\PDB1_Unplug.xml','PtestDEV') then
    dbms_output.put_line('no violations found');
    dbms_output.put_line('violations found');
  end if;

create table pdb_plug_back as select * from  pdb_plug_in_violations;
delete from  pdb_plug_in_violations;

set linesize 999
set pagesize 999
SELECT name,type, message, action
  FROM pdb_plug_in_violations
 --make no row feedback or check mos

2.begin work

sqlplus / as sysdba

alter pluggable database pdb1 close

alter pluggable database pdb2 close

Unplug the closed PDB and then specify the path and name of the XML

alter pluggable database pdb1 unplug
into '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/pdb1.xml';

alter pluggable database pdb2 unplug
into '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/pdb2.xml';

Drop the closed PDB and keep the data files.

drop pluggable database pdb1 keep

drop pluggable database pdb2 keep

Verify the status of the unplugged PDB.

select pdb_name, status from cdb_pdbs
where pdb_name in ('PDB1', 'PDB2');

[you should see no rows]


The unplugging operation makes changes in the
PDB data files to record that the PDB was properly and
successfully unplugged. Because the PDB is still part of the CDB, you
can back it up in Oracle Recovery Manager (Oracle RMAN). This backup provides a convenient
way to archive the unplugged PDB. After backing it up,
you then remove it from the CDB catalog. But, of course, you
must preserve the data files for the subsequent plugging

2.plug to same cdb or another cdb

n this section, you plug the unplugged PDB into another CDB by using different methods.

Checking the Compatibility of the Unplugged PDB with the Host CDB

Before starting the plugging operation, make sure
that the to-be-plugged-in PDB is compatible with the new host CDB.
Execution of the PL/SQL block raises an error if it is not compatible.

Execute the following PL/SQL block:

. oraenv

[enter cdb2 at the prompt]

sqlplus / as sysdba

[if cdb2 is not started up,
start it up now.]

set serveroutput on

   compatible BOOLEAN := FALSE;
   compatible :=
pdb_descr_file =>
   if compatible then
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Is pluggable PDB1 compatible?
   else DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Is pluggable
PDB1 compatible? NO');
   end if;

   compatible BOOLEAN := FALSE;
   compatible :=
pdb_descr_file =>
   if compatible then
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Is pluggable PDB2 compatible?
   else DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Is pluggable
PDB2 compatible? NO');
   end if;

Plugging the Unplugged PDB: NOCOPY

Use the data files of the unplugged PDB
to plug the PDB into another CDB without any copy.

create pluggable database
pdb_plug_nocopy using

This operation lasts a few seconds. The
original data files of the unplugged PDB now belong to the new
plugged-in PDB in the new host CDB. A file with the same name as the
temp file specified in the XML file exists in the target location.
Therefore, the TEMPFILE_REUSE clause is required.

Verify the status and open mode of the plugged PDB.
Proceed to the next section, "Opening the Plugged PDB,"
to finalize the plugging operation.

select pdb_name, status from
cdb_pdbs where pdb_name='PDB_PLUG_NOCOPY';

select open_mode from v$pdbs
where name='PDB_PLUG_NOCOPY';

List the data files of the plugged PDB.

select name from v$datafile
where con_id=3;


Plugging the Unplugged PDB: COPY

Create and define a destination
for the new data files, plug the unplugged PDB into the CDB, and then
copy the data files of the unplugged PDB.


sqlplus / as sysdba

Use the data files of the unplugged PDB
to plug the PDB into the CDB and copy the data files to
a new location.

create pluggable database
pdb_plug_copy using '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/pdb2.xml'


Verify the status and open mode of the plugged PDB.
Proceed to the next section, "Opening the Plugged PDB,"
to finalize the plugging operation.

select pdb_name, status from
cdb_pdbs where pdb_name='PDB_PLUG_COPY';

select open_mode from v$pdbs
where name='PDB_PLUG_COPY';

List the data files of the plugged PDB.

select name from v$datafile
where con_id=4;


Plugging the Unplugged PDB: AS CLONE
MOVE Method

Create and define a destination for the new data files, use the data files of the unplugged PDB to plug the PDB into another CDB, and then move the data files to another location.

mkdir /u01/app/oracle/oradata/cdb2/pdb_plug_move

sqlplus / as sysdba

Plug the PDB into the CDB and move the
data files to a new location.

create pluggable database
pdb_plug_move using '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/pdb2.xml'


An error message is returned because of the non-uniqueness of the GUID. This is a good example of
using the AS CLONE clause.

create pluggable database
AS CLONE using '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/pdb2.xml'

Verify the status and open mode of the plugged PDB.
Proceed to the next section, "Opening the Plugged PDB,"
to finalize the plugging operation.

select pdb_name, status from
cdb_pdbs where pdb_name='PDB_PLUG_MOVE';

select open_mode from v$pdbs
where name='PDB_PLUG_MOVE';

List the data files of the plugged PDB.

select name from v$datafile
where con_id=5;



Open and check the availability of the plugged PDB.

Open the plugged-in PDBs.

alter pluggable database
pdb_plug_nocopy open;

alter pluggable database
pdb_plug_copy open;

alter pluggable database
pdb_plug_move open;

Connect to the plugged-in PDBs and verify the container
name that you are connected to.

sys/oracle@localhost:1521/pdb_plug_nocopy AS SYSDBA

show con_name

sys/oracle@localhost:1521/pdb_plug_copy AS SYSDBA

show con_name

sys/oracle@localhost:1521/pdb_plug_move AS SYSDBA

show con_name



source: cdb + 2pdb

target cdb + 0pdb

目标 迁移souce a pdb to target

step 1:


select con_id,name, OPEN_MODE from v$pdbs;
alter pluggable database PtestDEV close immediate;
alter pluggable database PtestDEV open;
alter pluggable database PtestDEV close immediate;

(the step unplug need 15 minutes)
alter pluggable database PtestDEV unplug into 'c:\app\oracle\DEV.xml';
drop pluggable database PtestDEV keep datafiles;
select pdb_name, status from cdb_pdbs where pdb_name in ('PtestDEV');

@the source host and target host datafile location should be same. (it will avoid omf and file covert issue)
@the source host and target host datafile opatch version should be same. (it will avoid omf and file covert issue)



set serveroutput on

   compatible BOOLEAN := FALSE;
        pdb_descr_file => 'C:\app\software\dev.xml');
   if compatible then
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Is pluggable ptestdev compatible? YES');
   else DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Is pluggable ptestdev compatible? NO');
   end if;

NO                               -even if it is no, we can go ahead
PL/SQL 过程已成功完成。

step 3:
create pluggable database ptestdev using 'C:\app\software\dev.xml' NOCOPY TEMPFILE REUSE;

select pdb_name, status from cdb_pdbs where pdb_name='PDB_PLUG_NOCOPY';
select open_mode from v$pdbs where name='PDB_PLUG_NOCOPY';
select con_id,name, OPEN_MODE from v$pdbs;

issue 1: (sugest not use zip method to move data from souce to target ,using it is orinal file)

create pluggable database ptestdev using
ORA-27070: 异步读取/写入失败

SQL> create pluggable database ptestdev using 'C:\app\software\dev.xml' NOCOPY TEMPFILE REUSE;
create pluggable database ptestdev using 'C:\app\software\dev.xml' NOCOPY TEMPFI
第 1 行出现错误:
ORA-01119: 创建数据库文件

ORA-27070: 异步读取/写入失败
OSD-04008: WriteFile() ??? ???д????
O/S-Error: (OS 5) ???????


1.give window user oracle with administrator privileges
2.restart windows oracle service
 I would change your OracleService<SID> to logon explicitly as an Oracle user with admin privileges. In the ControlPanel services:

Right click on service

Select 'properties'

Select 'logon'

Change the default user ID to an Oracle user with Windows administrator privileges



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