Kendo DataSource 概述

Kendo 的数据源支持本地数据源( JavaScript 对象数组),或者远程数据源(XML, JSON, JSONP),支持 CRUD 操作(创建,读取,更新和删除操作),并支持排序,分页,过滤,分组和集合等。



var movies = [ {
title: "Star Wars: A New Hope",
year: 1977
}, {
title: "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back",
year: 1980
}, {
title: "Star Wars: Return of the Jedi",
year: 1983
var localDataSource = new{data: movies});

创建一个远程数据源 (Twitter)

var dataSource = new{
transport: {
read: {
// the remote service url
url: "", // JSONP is required for cross-domain AJAX
dataType: "jsonp", // additional parameters sent to the remote service
data: {
q: "html5"
// describe the result format
schema: {
// the data which the data source will be bound to is in the "results" field
data: "results"

绑定数据源到 UI 组件

Kendo UI 组件很多都支持数据绑定 ,UI 组件绑定的数据源可以在配置 UI 组件时设置,或是多个 UI 组件共享同一个数据源。

创建UI组件时设置 DataSource 属性

title: {
text: "Employee Sales"
dataSource: new{
data: [
employee: "Joe Smith",
sales: 2000
employee: "Jane Smith",
sales: 2250
employee: "Will Roberts",
sales: 1550
series: [{
type: "line",
field: "sales",
name: "Sales in Units"
categoryAxis: {
field: "employee"


var sharableDataSource = new{
transport: {
read: {
url: "data-service.json",
dataType: "json"
}); // Bind two UI widgets to same DataSource
title: {
text: "Employee Sales"
dataSource: sharableDataSource,
series: [{
field: "sales",
name: "Sales in Units"
categoryAxis: {
field: "employee"
}); $("#grid").kendoGrid({
dataSource: sharableDataSource,
columns: [
field: "employee",
title: "Employee"
field: "sales",
title: "Sales",
template: '#= kendo.toString(sales, "N0") #'

这个例子使用了模板 template ,模板的用法参见后面的文章。


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