分页 封装



class Pagination(object):

    def __init__(self, data_num, current_page, url_prefix, per_page=10,  max_show=11):
:param data_num: 数据总数
:param current_page: 当前页
:param url_prefix: 生成的页码的链接前缀
:param per_page: 每页显示多少条数据
:param max_show: 页面最多显示多少个页码
self.data_num = data_num
self.per_page = per_page
self.max_show = max_show
self.url_prefix = url_prefix # 把页码数算出来
self.page_num, more = divmod(data_num, per_page)
if more:
self.page_num += 1 try:
self.current_page = int(current_page)
except Exception as e:
self.current_page = 1
# 如果URL传过来的页码数是负数
if self.current_page <= 0:
self.current_page = 1
# 如果URL传过来的页码数超过了最大页码数
elif self.current_page > self.page_num:
self.current_page = self.page_num # 默认展示最后一页 # 页码数的一半 算出来
self.half_show = max_show // 2 # 页码最左边显示多少
if self.current_page - self.half_show <= 1:
self.page_start = 1
self.page_end = self.max_show
elif self.current_page + self.half_show >= self.page_num: # 如果右边越界
self.page_end = self.page_num
self.page_start = self.page_num - self.max_show
self.page_start = self.current_page - self.half_show
# 页码最右边显示
self.page_end = self.current_page + self.half_show @property
def start(self):
# 数据从哪儿开始切
return (self.current_page - 1) * self.per_page @property
def end(self):
# 数据切片切到哪儿
return self.current_page * self.per_page def page_html(self):
# 生成页码
l = []
# 加一个首页
l.append('<li><a href="{}?page=1">首页</a></li>'.format(self.url_prefix))
# 加一个上一页
if self.current_page == 1:
l.append('<li class="disabled" ><a href="#">«</a></li>'.format(self.current_page))
l.append('<li><a href="{}?page={}">«</a></li>'.format(self.url_prefix, self.current_page - 1))
for i in range(self.page_start, self.page_end + 1): if i == self.current_page:
tmp = '<li class="active"><a href="{0}?page={1}">{1}</a></li>'.format(self.url_prefix, i)
tmp = '<li><a href="{0}?page={1}">{1}</a></li>'.format(self.url_prefix, i)
l.append(tmp) # 加一个下一页
if self.current_page == self.page_num:
l.append('<li class="disabled"><a href="#">»</a></li>'.format(self.current_page))
l.append('<li><a href="{}?page={}">»</a></li>'.format(self.url_prefix, self.current_page + 1))
# 加一个尾页
l.append('<li><a href="{}?page={}">尾页</a></li>'.format(self.url_prefix, self.page_num))
return "".join(l)



# 出版社
def publishing_list(request):
pubishing = Press.objects.all() # 取出数据库数据
count_s = pubishing.count() # 统计出版社有多少数据
current_page = request.GET.get("page", 1) # 获取当前页 找不到返回1
from utils import mypage # 导入分页文件
obj = mypage.Pagination(count_s, current_page, "/publishing_list/") # 把数据传进去
pubishing_lists = pubishing[obj.start:obj.end]
page_html = obj.page_html() # 分页 的导航的 html 类似:上一页 1 2 3 4 5 6 下一页
return render(request, "publishing_list.html", {"pubishing_lists": pubishing_lists, "page_html": page_html})




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