//first lamda

// second lamda
[]() //or no need () when paramater is null
std::cout << "second" << std::endl;
}();// last add(), express will call this lamda func

// 3 with return type
auto kkk = []()
return 1;

// 4, set return type
auto kkkk = [] (int i) -> bool { return (bool)i; }(5);

//5, lamda capture, [=], [=,&], [&], [this][] 不捕获...
/*[&] 以引用的方式捕获
[=] 通过变量的一个拷贝捕获
[=, &foo] 通过变量的拷贝捕获,但是用foo变量的引用捕获
[bar] 通过复制捕获,不要复制其他
[this] 捕获this指针对应成员

function, bind等,上代码

#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
using namespace std;
typedef std::function<void()> fp;
typedef std::function<void(int)> fpi1;
void g_fun()
std::cout << "global function bind" << std::endl;
} class A
static void aFunStatic()
std::cout << "aFunStatic" << std::endl;
} virtual void aFun()
std::cout << "aFun" << std::endl;
} void aFunI1(int i)
std::cout << "aFunI1:" << i << std::endl;
} }; class DerivedA
:public A
virtual void aFun() override
std::cout << "aFun in DeriveA" << std::endl;
}; class B
void bCallAFun()
void bCallAFunStatic()
} void bCallAFunI1(int i)
} fp callFunStatic;
fp callFun;
fpi1 callFunI1;
}; void main()
B b;
A a; //bind to global function
fp f = fp(&g_fun);
f(); //bind to class function
b.callFunStatic = std::bind(&A::aFunStatic);
b.bCallAFunStatic(); //no static function without parameter
b.callFun = std::bind(&A::aFun, &a);
b.bCallAFun(); //no static function with parameter
b.callFunI1 = std::bind(&A::aFunI1, &a, std::placeholders::_1);
b.bCallAFunI1(); //about polymorphic
DerivedA da;
b.callFun = std::bind(&A::aFun, &da);


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