These commands have been tested on openSUSE 11.

  1. First create a directory where you will store your ISO files.

    mkdir /home/sources

  2. Now create your ISO

    mkisofs -iso-level 4 -J -R -o /home/sources/su1100.001.iso /media/SU1100.001/

  3. Now we add the ISO as a software repository

    zypper ar -c -t yast2 "iso:/?iso=/home/ricardo/sources/su1100.001.iso" "openSuSE 11"

  4. Verify that the service has been successfully added

    zypper repos

  5. Now we can delete the DVD repository as an installation repository

    zypper rr 1

  6. Let's quickly enable automatic refresh (optional)

    zypper mr -r "openSuSE 11"

  7. Now we can finally test the ISO repository and install a package like nmap

    zypper in -y nmap


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