
// Bintray
Properties properties = new Properties()
properties.load(project.rootProject.file('local.properties').newDataInputStream()) bintray {
user = properties.getProperty("bintray.user")
key = properties.getProperty("bintray.apikey")
println user
println key configurations = ['archives']
pkg {
repo = bintrayRepo
name = bintrayName
desc = libraryDescription
websiteUrl = siteUrl
vcsUrl = gitUrl
licenses = allLicenses
publish = true
publicDownloadNumbers = true
version {
desc = libraryDescription
gpg {
sign = true //Determines whether to GPG sign the files. The default is false
passphrase = properties.getProperty("bintray.gpg.password")
//Optional. The passphrase for GPG signing'


// Bintray
Properties properties = new Properties()
bintray {
    user = properties.getProperty("bintray.user")
    key = properties.getProperty("bintray.apikey")
    println user
    println key
    configurations = ['archives']
    pkg {
        repo = bintrayRepo
        name = bintrayName
        desc = libraryDescription
        websiteUrl = siteUrl
        vcsUrl = gitUrl
        licenses = allLicenses
        publish = true
        publicDownloadNumbers = true
        version {
            desc = libraryDescription
            gpg {
                sign = true //Determines whether to GPG sign the files. The default is false
                passphrase = properties.getProperty("bintray.gpg.password")
                //Optional. The passphrase for GPG signing'


## This file must *NOT* be checked into Version Control Systems,
# as it contains information specific to your local configuration.
# Location of the SDK. This is only used by Gradle.
# For customization when using a Version Control System, please read the
# header note.
#Mon Dec 10 07:59:28 CST 2018


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