When developing applications for Android, one often facesthe problem of displaying some graphical content from the Internet. So, youshould provide image loading from the Web in an Android app, their processingand displaying
with limited memory again and again. And despite the problemhomogeneity, each new project imposes its own specific requirements on thetask.

You may need to organize caching of downloaded images; ifimages are rather large, it is necessary to ensure effective working with thememory to prevent the disastrous mistake OutOfMemoryError . It is also possiblethat
an image-stub has to be showed during the image loading; and maybe thesame image should be displayed in different size variations, etc.

As a result, time and resources are wasted for codeadaptation to specific needs. It is this problem what urged me on creating alibrary with open source code - Universal Image Loader for image loading in anAndroid app.
Its aim is solution universalization of the above describedproblem in a flexible and configurable tool.

Currently, the library can be used everywhere, where youhave to download and display (and possibly even to cache) an image from theInternet or from the file system of your smartphone. Classic examples forpossibility of
ImageLoader using are various lists, tables, galleries, whereyou need to display images from the Web.



The main features of the ImageLoader for Android are:


•asynchronous loading and displaying images from the Internet or the SD-card;


• ability ofcaching loaded images in memory and / or the device's file system;


• ability tomonitor the loading process by means of "listeners"


• effectiveworking with the memory while caching images in the memory;


• wideopportunities to customize the tool to fit it to your needs.



What can be configured in the ImageLoader?


• themaximum size of images cached in the memory;


• timeoutfor connection establishing and image loading;


• themaximum number of simultaneously working threads for images loading;


• threadspriority during downloading and displaying images;


•implementation of disk cache (you can choose from ready-made implementations orcreate your own);


•implementation of cache in the memory (you can choose from ready-madeimplementations or create your own);


• default options of image downloading


Image loading options (applied to each individual callImageLoader.displayImage(...)) provide the ability to specify:


• whether todisplay the image-stub in the ImageView, while the real image is being loaded(if yes, then you need to specify this "stub");


• Whether tocache the downloaded image in the memory.


• Whether tocache the downloaded image in the file system.


• Type ofimage decoding (the fastest or the most economical for the memory).


As already mentioned, you can implement your own version ofthe disk cache and the cache in memory. But most likely, you will be quitesatisfied with ready solutions, most of which are caches, limited by someparameter (size,
number of files) and having their own logic of self-cleaningby limit excess (FIFO, the oldest object, the largest object, the most seldomused).


There are enough configuration options, but this is not thecase as "the main principle of UNIX": "u can configureEVERYTHING. And you WILL configure everything." :) In theImageLoader
case, you can customize everything, but it is not necessary at all:​​the default configuration is always available and suitable in the most cases.




Few words about the project structure. Each task for image loadingand displaying (and that is, looking ahead, the call ImageLoader.displayImage(imageView, imageUrl)) is performed in a separate thread, except if the pictureis
in cache in the memory - then it is just immediately displayed.here is a separate threads queue where tasks get if theneeded image is cached on the file system. If you do not have the rightimage in the cache, then the
task-thread gets in the thread pool. Therefore,there are no obstacles for a fast displaying of cached images.


he algorithm of the taskprocessing isepresented on the scheme:


The main actors of the project can relatively be divided:


• the above mentionedqueue and pool of threads;


• cache in thememory;


• disk cache;


• Image decoder,which decodes image files into Bitmap objects.


The main class ImageLoadermanages it all; the maininteraction with the user is performed through it.



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