
1.1 启动、重启、停止——方式一(httpd)

httpd.exe [-D name] [-d directory] [-f file]
[-C "directive"] [-c "directive"]
[-w] [-k start|restart|stop|shutdown] [-n service_name]
[-k install|config|uninstall] [-n service_name]
[-v] [-V] [-h] [-l] [-L] [-t] [-T] [-S] [-X]
-D name : define a name for use in <IfDefine name> directives
-d directory : specify an alternate initial ServerRoot
-f file : specify an alternate ServerConfigFile
-C "directive" : process directive before reading config files
-c "directive" : process directive after reading config files
-n name : set service name and use its ServerConfigFile and ServerRoot
-k start : tell Apache to start
-k restart : tell running Apache to do a graceful restart
-k stop|shutdown : tell running Apache to shutdown
-k install : install an Apache service
-k config : change startup Options of an Apache service
-k uninstall : uninstall an Apache service
-w : hold open the console window on error
-e level : show startup errors of level (see LogLevel)
-E file : log startup errors to file
-v : show version number
-V : show compile settings
-h : list available command line options (this page)
-l : list compiled in modules
-L : list available configuration directives
-t -D DUMP_VHOSTS : show parsed vhost settings
-t -D DUMP_RUN_CFG : show parsed run settings
-S : a synonym for -t -D DUMP_VHOSTS -D DUMP_RUN_CFG
-t -D DUMP_MODULES : show all loaded modules
-M : a synonym for -t -D DUMP_MODULES
-t : run syntax check for config files
-T : start without DocumentRoot(s) check
-X : debug mode (only one worker, do not detach)


2.1 启动、重启、停止——方式一(httpd)

./httpd [-D name] [-d directory] [-f file]
[-C "directive"] [-c "directive"]
[-k start|restart|graceful|graceful-stop|stop]
[-v] [-V] [-h] [-l] [-L] [-t] [-T] [-S]
-D name : define a name for use in <IfDefine name> directives
-d directory : specify an alternate initial ServerRoot
-f file : specify an alternate ServerConfigFile
-C "directive" : process directive before reading config files
-c "directive" : process directive after reading config files
-e level : show startup errors of level (see LogLevel)
-E file : log startup errors to file
-v : show version number
-V : show compile settings
-h : list available command line options (this page)
-l : list compiled in modules
-L : list available configuration directives
-t -D DUMP_VHOSTS : show parsed settings (currently only vhost settings)
-S : a synonym for -t -D DUMP_VHOSTS
-t -D DUMP_MODULES : show all loaded modules
-M : a synonym for -t -D DUMP_MODULES
-t : run syntax check for config files
-T : start without DocumentRoot(s) check

2.2 启动、重启、停止——方式二(apachectl)

./apachectl start
./apachectl stop
./apachectl restart
要在重启 Apache 服务器时不中断当前的连接,则应运行:
./apachectl graceful


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