But over the past 70 years or so, there's been a massive increase in one type of crime which was what's known as corporate crime.
In other words, the owner is not helpful, and so the tenants move out.
The Castle is just open from 1 to 5 so we can't go there until after lunch.
So here, companies are robbing the poor to benefit the rich.
There were about twenty of them and I wasn't sure which ones would be most useful or important.
At that time, local craftsmen first built an iron forge just behind the village here on the bend in the river.

If you want more information about any of the trips, have a look in the student newspaper.

It affects nearly every one, to some extent, but especially overseas students like yourselves.
They think their misfortune is an accident, or that it's the fault of no one in particular.
But it's not the end of the world if you don't pass an exam.
Studying overseas can trigger a personal crisis.
It might be more difficult to get in tomorrow because of the church services.
And it was this lack of repair work which was directly responsible for the explosion.
Trees filter the wind and considerably reduce it, preventing those very large strong gusts that you so often find around tall buildings.
They can make it a bit cooler if it's a hot summer day in an Australia city, or they can make it a bit more humid if it's a dry inland city.
But we have confirmed the dates and planned the optional extra visits, which you can also book in advance if you want to.
It's not bad, and could be of some help, but not that much.
Glenda Roberts is our dietician in the health service and we can put you onto her.
I don't think I need too much extra time, as long as I can get hold of some of the important references.
The row of buildings you can see on the left are the cottages.
Water was the main source of power for the early industries.
We can also chase up your tutor if you're not getting proper feedback on how you are getting on in your subject.
If you'd like any more information, you can ask me some questions, or you can read further in our excellent guide book.
Well, according to this guidebook, the Cathedral is only open from 9.30 in the morning until midday.
There're several reasons for this lack of interest in corporate crime compared with other types of crime.
You might get an extension of time to finish your assignment for me?
Trees can also help reduce the amount of noise in the surroundings, although the effect is not as large as people like to think.
Well, the main difference between a tree and a building, is a tree has got an internal mechanism to keep the temperature regulated.
Today was supposed to be the launch of formal negotiations.
To start your visit, I'm just going to give you a brief account of the history of the museum.


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