发布:thatboy   来源:Net     【  




* 根据身份证号,自动获取对应的星座
* edit: www.jbxue.com
function get_xingzuo($cid) { // 根据身份证号,自动返回对应的星座
 if (!isIdCard($cid)) return '';
 $bir = substr($cid,10,4);
 $month = (int)substr($bir,0,2);
 $day = (int)substr($bir,2);
 $strValue = '';
 if (($month == 1 && $day >= 20) || ($month == 2 && $day <= 18)) {
  $strValue = "水瓶座";
 } else if (($month == 2 && $day >= 19) || ($month == 3 && $day <= 20)) {
  $strValue = "双鱼座";
 } else if (($month == 3 && $day > 20) || ($month == 4 && $day <= 19)) {
  $strValue = "白羊座";
 } else if (($month == 4 && $day >= 20) || ($month == 5 && $day <= 20)) {
  $strValue = "金牛座";
 } else if (($month == 5 && $day >= 21) || ($month == 6 && $day <= 21)) {
  $strValue = "双子座";
 } else if (($month == 6 && $day > 21) || ($month == 7 && $day <= 22)) {
  $strValue = "巨蟹座";
 } else if (($month == 7 && $day > 22) || ($month == 8 && $day <= 22)) {
  $strValue = "狮子座";
 } else if (($month == 8 && $day >= 23) || ($month == 9 && $day <= 22)) {
  $strValue = "处女座";
 } else if (($month == 9 && $day >= 23) || ($month == 10 && $day <= 23)) {
  $strValue = "天秤座";
 } else if (($month == 10 && $day > 23) || ($month == 11 && $day <= 22)) {
  $strValue = "天蝎座";
 } else if (($month == 11 && $day > 22) || ($month == 12 && $day <= 21)) {
  $strValue = "射手座";
 } else if (($month == 12 && $day > 21) || ($month == 1 && $day <= 19)) {
  $strValue = "魔羯座";
 return $strValue;

function get_shengxiao($cid) { //根据身份证号,自动返回对应的生肖
 if (!isIdCard($cid)) return '';
 $start = 1901;
 $end = $end = (int)substr($cid,6,4);
 $x = ($start - $end) % 12;
 $value = "";  
 if ($x == 1 || $x == -11) {$value = "鼠";}
 if ($x == 0) { $value = "牛";}
 if ($x == 11 || $x == -1) {$value = "虎";}
 if ($x == 10 || $x == -2) {$value = "兔";}
 if ($x == 9 || $x == -3) {$value = "龙";}
 if ($x == 8 || $x == -4) {$value = "蛇";}
 if ($x == 7 || $x == -5) {$value = "马";}
 if ($x == 6 || $x == -6) {$value = "羊";}
 if ($x == 5 || $x == -7) {$value = "猴";}
 if ($x == 4 || $x == -8) {$value = "鸡";}
 if ($x == 3 || $x == -9) {$value = "狗";}
 if ($x == 2 || $x == -10) {$value = "猪";}
 return $value;
function get_xingbie($cid) { //根据身份证号,自动返回性别
 if (!isIdCard($cid)) return '';
 $sexint = (int)substr($cid,16,1);

return $sexint % 2 === 0 ? '女' : '男';
function isIdCard($number) { // 检查是否是身份证号
 // 转化为大写,如出现x
 $number = strtoupper()($number);
 $wi = array(7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2, 1, 6, 3, 7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2);
 $ai = array('1', '0', 'X', '9', '8', '7', '6', '5', '4', '3', '2');
 $sigma = 0;
 for ($i = 0;$i < 17;$i++) { 
  $b = (int) $number{$i};

  $w = $wi[$i];

  $sigma += $b * $w; 
 $snumber = $sigma % 11;

 $check_number = $ai[$snumber];

if ($number{17} == $check_number) {
  return true;
 } else {
  return false;


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