create table if not exists League (

lid int primary key auto_increment,   
   lyear int not null,
   season varchar(10) not null,
   title varchar(30) not null

create table if not exists tb_test
    id int primary key auto_increment,
    name varchar(200) not null,
    salary float(11,2),
    birthday date,
    sex varchar(5),
    sleep time,
    ts timestamp,
    description text,
    picture blob

create table if not exists Player (
   pid int primary key auto_increment,
   name varchar(30) not null,
   address varchar(30) not null,
   city varchar(20) not null,
   email varchar(40) not null

-- This table represents the relationship between leagues and players.
create table if not exists Registration (
   lid int not null,
   pid int not null,
   division varchar(20) not null,
   league_lid int not null,
   player_pid int not null,
   primary key (lid, pid)

create table if not exists AdminUser (
   uid int primary key auto_increment,
   username varchar(20) not null,
   password varchar(20) not null

-- Create the initial set of leagues.
INSERT INTO League (lid, lyear, season, title) VALUES (1, 2008, 'Spring', 'Soccer League (Spring ''08)');
INSERT INTO League (lid, lyear, season, title) VALUES (2, 2008, 'Summer', 'Summer Soccer Fest 2008');
INSERT INTO League (lid, lyear, season, title) VALUES (3, 2008, 'Fall', 'Fall Soccer League (2008)');
INSERT INTO League (lid, lyear, season, title) VALUES (4, 2009, 'Spring', 'Soccer League (Spring ''09)');
INSERT INTO League (lid, lyear, season, title) VALUES (5, 2009, 'Summer', 'The Summer of Soccer Love 2009');
INSERT INTO League (lid, lyear, season, title) VALUES (6, 2009, 'Fall', 'Fall Soccer League (2009)');

-- Insert the basic AdminUser.
INSERT INTO AdminUser (uid, username, password) VALUES (100, 'admin', 'admin');
INSERT INTO AdminUser (uid, username, password) VALUES (101, 'jack', 'admin');


  • Tier:
    • In presentation tier, business tier and integration tier, use load balancing.
    • In business tier, use a stateless session Bean pooling mechanisms.
    • In SessionFaca control level, choose ReadCommited transaction to improve the transaction processing speed and avoid the dirty data.
    • In JMS implementation, use asynchronous communication, store-and-forward mechanism.
    • Using BusinessDelegate and set up the cache, according to the shooting, especially to the offer and the product.
    • Use the ServiceLocator, conducive to the JNDI lookup.
  • Layer:
    • Use high-performance servers, increase the number of CPUs to equal or more than four.
    • Do pressure test to find out whether the servers meet the performance requirements
    • Find out performance bottlenecks if the performance requirement is not satisfied.


  • Tier:
    • Set up load balancing and use Session Copy inn presentation tier, business tier and resource tier.
    • Use Oracle/RAC technology in resource tier.
    • Redundent network connections


  • Tier:
    • Using JMS asynchronous communication technology, control the transaction in the SessionFaca.
    • Choose ReadCommited transaction level, improve things to deal with both speed and avoid the dirty data.
    • Use cluster failover in presentation tier and business tier.
    • In the resource layer using RAC, RAC is a mature product to provide good support for reliability.


  • Tier:
    • Set load balancing for each tier.
    • In business tier, use a stateless session Bean pooling mechanisms.
    • Use Session Affinity and Session Copy on web server
    • Use Off-Load Shared Resources on application server


  • Tier:
    • In the Web and EJB tier, use JAAS.
    • Set the roles of seller, buyer and Auction Market etc., assign relative permissions to each role.
    • Use UID and password for logging in.
    • Set resource access control in the tiers.
  • Layer:
    • The Lower Playform layer use Linux operating
      system, and set up the firewall and SSL.


Load balance


Off-load shared resources

• Forward cache

• Request prefetch

• Request short circuit

• Session affinity


  1. Linux系统被入侵后处理经历
  2. Happy Number - LeetCode
  3. Android监听键盘显示和隐藏
  4. css3爆炸效果更换图片轮播图
  5. SharedPreferencesUtil
  6. Servlet---JavaWeb技术的核心基础,JavaWeb框架的基石(一)
  7. 使用Boost program_options控制程序输入
  8. python 模块之-pickle
  9. su命令
  10. C#编程(七十六)----------使用指针实现基于栈的高性能数组
  11. 《DSP using MATLAB》Problem 5.19
  12. datetime模块的简单用法
  13. BZOJ 1008 [HNOI2008]越狱 排列组合
  14. H5入门基础(一)
  15. 对自写的Asp.Net分页控件的应用方式(异步无刷新分页)
  16. csharp: ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript int net4.0
  17. c++的直接初始化与复制初始化 未完成!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. 让你彻底明白JAVA中堆与栈的区别
  19. 介绍C++ STL常用模板使用方法的相关资料
  20. WebRTC学习与DEMO资源一览


  1. 移动App-UI配制篇
  2. Python基础 2----Python 基础语法
  3. Android 手势&触摸事件 MotionEvent
  4. Kali Linux 装好系统后安装经常使用软件
  5. 深入认识Tigase XMPP Server(上)
  6. Function 详解(一)
  7. 理解Lambda表达式
  8. linux内核基础(系统调用,简明)
  9. Android 实现环形进度按钮circular-progress-button
  10. vc 基于对话框多线程编程实例——线程之间的通信