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Imgzoom.prototype = {
constructor: Imgzoom,
init: function(){
createHtml: function(){
if($('#'+this.previewId).length) return;
var $container = $(this.container);
!$container.length && console && console.log('can not find element, param "container" need checked.');
var $zoomDiv = $('<div id="' + this.previewId + '" class="zoomDiv" ><div class="zoomDiv-con"><img class="bigimg" width="100%" height="100%" /></div></div>');

$zoomDiv.css({"position":"absolute","top":$container.offset().top,"width":this.prevW, "height":this.prevH, "overflow":"hidden", "display":"none", "border":"1px solid #aaa", "zIndex":1000}).appendTo('body');

var $holder = $('<div class="zoomglass" id="zoomglass" />').css({"position":"absolute", "background":"#FFF27E", "top":$container.offset().top, "left":$container.offset().left, "zIndex":10, "opacity":0.5, "display":"none", "border":"1px dashed hotpink", "cursor":"crosshair", "width":this.prevW/this.scale, "height": this.prevH / this.scale}).appendTo('body');

if( this.dir == 'right'){
$zoomDiv.css({'left': $container.offset().left + $container.outerWidth() + this.margin});
}else if(this.dir == 'bottom'){
$zoomDiv.css({"top": $container.offset().top + $container.outerHeight() + this.margin, "left": $container.offset().left });

this.zoomDiv = $zoomDiv;
this.holder = $holder;
this.container = $(this.container);
bindEvents: function(){
var $simg, scale = this.scale, $zoomDiv = this.zoomDiv, $wrapper = $zoomDiv.find('.zoomDiv-con');
var $container = this.container, $holder = this.holder;
var offset = $container.offset();
var halfW = $holder.outerWidth()/2, halfH = $holder.outerHeight()/2;
var leftMin = offset.left+halfW, leftMax = leftMin+$container.width()-2*halfW;
var topMin = offset.top+halfH, topMax = topMin + $container.height()-2*halfH;
var leftBind = leftMin - halfW, rightBind = leftMax + halfW;
var topBind = topMin - halfH, btmBind = topMax + halfH;
var diffX= leftMax - leftMin, diffY = topMax -topMin;
var min = Math.min, max= Math.max;
// debugger;
$container.mouseenter(function(e){//初始化 大图
$holder.show(); $zoomDiv.show();
$simg = $(e.target);
$wrapper.css({"width": scale * $simg.outerWidth(), "height":scale * $simg.outerHeight()});//大图的大小
$zoomDiv.find('.bigimg').attr('src', $simg.attr('src')); //大图路径
// $holder.css({'left':e.pageX-halfW, 'top':e.pageY-halfH});
var x,y,position;
if(e.pageX < leftBind || e.pageX > rightBind || e.pageY < topBind || e.pageY > btmBind){
if(!$holder.ishide){ $holder.ishide=true; $holder.hide(); $zoomDiv.hide();}
}else {
$holder.ishide = false;
x = min( max(e.pageX-halfW, leftBind), leftMax-halfW);
y = min( max(e.pageY-halfH, topBind), topMax-halfH);
position = $holder.position();
$wrapper.css({"marginLeft":scale * (offset.left - position.left), "marginTop": scale * (offset.top - position.top)});
// $('.viewport').css({"outline":"1px solid red"});
var iz = new Imgzoom({scale:3, prevW:500, prevH:500});


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