
deque表示double-ended queue,即双向队列,deque是通过作为动态数组的方式实现的,这样可以在两端插入元素。因此,deque可以在任何一个方向进行扩展。同时可以在中间插入元素。在开头或结尾处插入元素非常的快,然而在中间插入元素将会比较耗时间,因此需要移动队列中的元素。


#include <deque>




#include <iostream>
#include <deque>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator> using namespace std; int main()
deque<int> intDeq;
ostream_iterator<int> screen(cout, " "); intDeq.push_back(13);
intDeq.push_back(35); cout << "intDeq: ";
copy(intDeq.begin(), intDeq.end(), screen);
cout << endl; intDeq.push_front(0);
intDeq.push_back(100); cout << "After adding two more "
<< "elements, one at the front " << endl
<< " and one at the back, intDeq: "; copy(intDeq.begin(), intDeq.end(), screen);
cout << endl; intDeq.pop_front();
intDeq.pop_front(); cout << "After removing the first "
<< "two elements, " << endl
<< " intDeq: ";
copy(intDeq.begin(), intDeq.end(), screen);
cout << endl; intDeq.pop_back();
intDeq.pop_back(); cout << "After removing the last "
<< "two elements, " << endl
<< " intDeq: ";
copy(intDeq.begin(), intDeq.end(), screen);
cout << endl; deque<int>::iterator deqIt;
deqIt = intDeq.begin();
intDeq.insert(deqIt, 666); cout << "After inserting 666, "
<< "intDeq: ";
copy(intDeq.begin(), intDeq.end(), screen);
cout << endl; intDeq.assign(2, 45); cout << "After assigning two "
<< "copies of 45, intDeq: ";
copy(intDeq.begin(), intDeq.end(), screen);
cout << endl; intDeq.push_front(-10);
intDeq.push_front(-999); cout << "After inserting two "
<< "elements, one at the front " << endl
<< " and one at the back, intDeq: ";
copy(intDeq.begin(), intDeq.end(), screen);
cout << endl; return 0;



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