The jQuery library supports nearly all of the selectors included in CSS specifications 1 through 3, as outlined on the World Wide Web Consortium's site: This support allows developers to enhance their websites without worrying about which browsers (particularly Internet Explorer 6) might not understand advanced selectors, as long as the browsers have JavaScript enabled.


Progressive enhancement
Responsible jQuery developers should always apply the concepts of progressive enhancementand graceful degradationto their code, ensuring that a page will render as accurately, even if not as beautifully, with JavaScript disabled as it does with JavaScript turned on. We will continue to explore these concepts throughout the book.


To begin learning how jQuery works with CSS selectors, we'll use a structure that appears on many websites, often for navigation: the nested, unordered list:

<ul id="selected-plays">
<li><a href="/asyoulikeit/">As You Like It</a></li>
<li>All's Well That Ends Well</li>
<li>A Midsummer Night's Dream</li>
<li>Twelfth Night</li>
<li><a href="hamlet.pdf">Hamlet</a></li>
<li>Romeo and Juliet</li>
<li>Henry IV (<a href=" 
<li>Part I</li>
<li>Part II</li>

<li><a href="">

Henry V
<li>Richard II</li>


Notice that the first <ul>has an ID of selected-plays, but none of the <li>tags have a class associated with them. Without any styles applied, the list looks similar to the following screenshot:

注意到第一个ul标签有一个selected-play ID,但是任何一个li标签上都没有类。在没有任何样式的情况下,这个列表看起来就像下面的截图一样。



  1. bitnami redmine版本由2.3.1升级至3.2.2过程
  2. git 格式化输出版本信息
  3. ABAP 单位转换函数
  4. 关于jquery-validate验证表单
  5. HTML5手机APP开发入(4)
  6. Timer1控件的属性
  7. 添加事件(jquery)
  8. 工程源码github地址
  9. C语言如何 实现 下雪效果
  10. CHM文件无法查看内容解决办法
  11. sqlserver练习
  12. java String.Format详解
  13. c++(重载、覆盖、隐藏)
  14. [js高手之路]原型式继承与寄生式继承
  15. 【js Date】时间字符串、时间戳转换成今天,明天,本月等文字日期
  16. leaflet简单例子,绘制多边形
  17. html文本encode后,js获取参数失败的bug
  18. laravel框架生產vender文件夹
  19. Luogu P3825 [NOI2017]游戏
  20. 有强大的cURL,忘掉httpclient的吧!


  1. Node.js笔记1
  2. 关于给javascript对象添加、删除、修改对象的属性
  3. zoj 1109 zoj 1109 Language of FatMouse(字典树)
  4. Java NIO 转载
  5. Queue(队列)
  6. ASP.NET MVC Framework
  7. 二分查找(Java)
  8. phplib系统开发经验总结
  9. MyEclipse 怎样手动编译整个项目
  10. js运算符(运算符的结合性)