


首先我给大家说说Proxy的一些理论知识,说到中间件,首先我们关注的可定是自带连接池,能读写分离,能自动的分库分表等等,其它的就不说了,反正Proxy在每个公司玩的花样都蛮多的。我就跟大家说说我印象中的ProxySQL:server可以进行分组、 读写分离  动态指定某一个SQL进行Cache、 故障切换(依赖于他的配置动态加载)、配置的动态更新,不具备故障选主(可以结合keepalived )Proxy的一些其他优点:

1.SQL 的归一化统计, 2  .可以在6033 端口上进行数据的一些统计  3  prepare

connection pool的概念:1 连接池保护 2允许延迟最大值(max_replication_lag)3对响应延迟 (max_latency_ms)

环境说明:我在我的虚拟机上面安装了2个MySQL的实例.  端口一个是3306 ,另外一个是3307


service proxysql start



2 查看端口号

      观察到我们可以看到2个端口号:一个是 6032(管理端口)  一个是6033(对外链接端口)
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address               Foreign Address             State      
tcp        0      0 *:sunrpc                    *:*                         LISTEN      
tcp        0      0 *:6032                      *:*                         LISTEN      
tcp        0      0 *:6033                      *:*                         LISTEN      
tcp        0      0 *:ssh                       *:*                         LISTEN      
tcp        0      0 localhost:ipp               *:*                         LISTEN      
tcp        0      0 *:4505                      *:*                         LISTEN      
tcp        0      0 localhost:smtp              *:*                         LISTEN      
tcp        0      0 *:4506                      *:*                         LISTEN      
tcp        0      0 *:43709                     *:*                         LISTEN      
tcp        0      0 pxc1:ssh                   ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0              ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 *:46667                     *:*                         LISTEN  
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -h127.0.0.1 -uadmin -padmin -P6032 

[root@pxc1 etc]# /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -h127.0.0.1 -uadmin -padmin -P6032
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 1
Server version: 5.7.20 (ProxySQL Admin Module)
Copyright (c) 2009-2017 Percona LLC and/or its affiliates
Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
"admin@  [(none)]>show databases;
| seq | name    | file                          |
| 0   | main    |                               |
| 2   | disk    | /var/lib/proxysql/proxysql.db |
| 3   | stats   |                               |
| 4   | monitor |                               |

use main
show create table global_variables;

"admin@  [main]>show create table global_variables;
| table            | Create Table                                                                                                         |
| global_variables | CREATE TABLE global_variables (
    variable_value VARCHAR NOT NULL) |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
     1 创建mysql_servers
        insert into mysql_servers(hostgroup_id,hostname,port) values(1,'',3306);
        insert into mysql_servers(hostgroup_id,hostname,port) values(2,'',3307);

select * from mysql_servers;


  INSERT INTO mysql_users(username,password,default_hostgroup,default_schema) VALUES ('root','123456',1,'book');
  INSERT INTO mysql_users(username,password,default_hostgroup,default_schema) VALUES ('czg','123456',1,'book');


  INSERT INTO mysql_query_rules(active,username,match_pattern,destination_hostgroup,apply) VALUES(1,'root','^SELECT.*FOR UPDATE$',1,1);
  INSERT INTO mysql_query_rules(active,username,match_pattern,destination_hostgroup,apply) VALUES(1,'root','^SELECT',2,1);
                     LOAD MYSQL QUERY RULES TO RUN;(最后运行我们的规则)
[root@pxc1 ~]# /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -h127.0.0.1 -uczg -P6033 -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 3
Server version: 5.7.20 (ProxySQL)
Copyright (c) 2009-2017 Percona LLC and/or its affiliates
Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
"admin@  [monitor]>select * from stats_mysql_query_digest;
| hostgroup | schemaname | username | digest             | digest_text                      | count_star | first_seen | last_seen  | sum_time | min_time | max_time |
| 100       | czg        | czg      | 0x3765930C7143F468 | select * from t1                 | 12         | 1510032943 | 1510035665 | 20094    | 576      | 7004     |
| 100       | czg        | czg      | 0xF62E7C5ACFD919B2 | insert into t1 values (?,?)      | 2          | 1510033783 | 1510034106 | 2583     | 1157     | 1426     |
| 100       | czg        | czg      | 0x54C6E5B16410BDE5 | delete from t1 where id=?        | 1          | 1510039448 | 1510039448 | 744      | 744      | 744      |
| 100       | czg        | czg      | 0x226CD90D52A2BA0B | select @@version_comment limit ? | 1          | 1510032930 | 1510032930 | 0        | 0        | 0        |
| 101       | czg        | czg      | 0x4DE01DE1A91A7A02 | select * from t1 where id>?      | 1          | 1510036110 | 1510036110 | 1347     | 1347     | 1347     |
| 1         | czg        | root     | 0x226CD90D52A2BA0B | select @@version_comment limit ? | 1          | 1510026604 | 1510026604 | 0        | 0        | 0        |
| 1         | czg        | root     | 0x99531AEFF718C501 | show tables                      | 2          | 1510026649 | 1510026878 | 20001881 | 10000756 | 10001125 |
| 1         | czg        | root     | 0xBA1ADF966D0B70F4 | show databses                    | 1          | 1510026623 | 1510026623 | 10001112 | 10001112 | 10001112 |
| 1         | czg        | root     | 0x02033E45904D3DF0 | show databases                   | 2          | 1510026897 | 1510026946 | 20000713 | 10000051 | 10000662 |
| 100       | czg        | czg      | 0x6F60EEB7FFFC144D | insert into values (?,?)         | 1          | 1510034097 | 1510034097 | 547      | 547      | 547      |
| 1         | czg        | root     | 0x594F2C744B698066 | select USER()                    | 1          | 1510026604 | 1510026604 | 0        | 0        | 0        |
| 100       | czg        | czg      | 0x620B328FE9D6D71A | SELECT DATABASE()                | 1          | 1510032938 | 1510032938 | 523      | 523      | 523      |
| 100       | czg        | czg      | 0x3DCE919B79C9576C | select * from t1 where id=?      | 1          | 1510033820 | 1510033820 | 1570     | 1570     | 1570     |
| 100       | czg        | czg      | 0x28652853E5DCDAB9 | select * from t1 where id =?     | 1          | 1510033203 | 1510033203 | 540      | 540      | 540      |
| 100       | czg        | czg      | 0x4DE01DE1A91A7A02 | select * from t1 where id>?      | 1          | 1510034958 | 1510034958 | 1281     | 1281     | 1281     |
| 100       | czg        | czg      | 0x594F2C744B698066 | select USER()                    | 1          | 1510032930 | 1510032930 | 0        | 0        | 0        |
| 100       | czg        | czg      | 0x9ED2186F2E9C392C | update t1 set name=? where id=?  | 2          | 1510034987 | 1510036037 | 3477     | 1410     | 2067     |
| 101       | czg        | czg      | 0x9FF6DCAA8E5CFDBB | select * from t3                 | 1          | 1510035978 | 1510035978 | 3964     | 3964     | 3964     |
| 100       | czg        | czg      | 0x02033E45904D3DF0 | show databases                   | 1          | 1510032934 | 1510032934 | 4791     | 4791     | 4791     |
| 101       | czg        | czg      | 0x3DCE919B79C9576C | select * from t1 where id=?      | 1          | 1510036074 | 1510036074 | 947      | 947      | 947      |
| 100       | czg        | czg      | 0x340305CD48735BD6 | insert into t1 names (?,?)       | 1          | 1510039342 | 1510039342 | 521      | 521      | 521      |
| 101       | czg        | czg      | 0x3765930C7143F468 | select * from t1                 | 3          | 1510035957 | 1510039371 | 5215     | 452      | 3027     |
| 100       | czg        | czg      | 0x3CE4C46484576DFD | insert into t1 values(?,?)       | 2          | 1510039362 | 1510039411 | 2422     | 865      | 1557     |
     23 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    我们要清空 stats_mysql_query_digest 的数据直接执行以下的语句即可:

select * from stats_mysql_query_digest_reset;


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