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<!-- 所有与此ID相关的DGrid进行替换,以模块名称进行相应的命名 -->
<table id="testDg"></table> <!-- 表格工具栏开始 -->
<div id="testDg-toolbar" class="topjui-toolbar"
<a id="add" href="javascript:void(0)">添加数据</a>
<a id="edit" href="javascript:void(0)">修改数据</a>
<a id="delete" href="javascript:void(0)">删除数据</a>
<a id="search" href="javascript:void(0)">综合查询</a>
<a id="import" href="javascript:void(0)">数据导入</a>
<a id="export" href="javascript:void(0)">数据导出</a>
<a id="analyse" href="javascript:void(0)">统计分析</a>
<a id="report" href="javascript:void(0)">报表打印</a>
<form id="queryForm" class="search-box">
<input type="text" name="username" data-toggle="topjui-textbox"
<a id="queryBtn" href="javascript:void(0)">查询</a>
<!-- 表格工具栏结束 --> <!-- 表格行编辑窗口 -->
<form id="editDialog"></form>
<input type="hidden" name="sss" id="sss" data-toggle="topjui-textbox">
* 单元格内容以进度条进行格式化显示
function progressFormatter(value, rowData, rowIndex) {
var htmlstr = '<div id="p" class="topjui-progressbar progressbar" data-options="value:' + value + '" style="width: 398px; height: 26px;">';
htmlstr += '<div class="progressbar-text" style="width: 398px; height: 26px; line-height: 26px;">' + value + '%</div>';
htmlstr += '<div class="progressbar-value" style="width: ' + value + '%; height: 26px; line-height: 26px;">';
htmlstr += '<div class="progressbar-text" style="width: 398px; height: 26px; line-height: 26px;">' + value + '%</div>';
htmlstr += '</div>';
htmlstr += '</div>';
return htmlstr;
} /**
* 单元格内容进行格式化操作
function operateFormatter(value, row, index) {
var htmlstr = '<button class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs" onclick="openEditDiag(\'' + row.uuid + '\')">编辑</button>';
htmlstr += '<button class="layui-btn layui-btn-xs layui-btn-danger" onclick="deleteRow(\'' + row.uuid + '\')">删除</button>';
return htmlstr;
} /**
* 以主键进行数据修改操作
function openEditDiag(uuid) {
var $editDialog = $('<form></form>'); // $('#editDialog')用这个查找不能二次打开
title: '修改数据示例A',
width: 950,
height: 500,
closed: false,
cache: false,
collapsible: 0,
resizable : 0, //定义是否可以调整对话框的大小
iconCls: 'fa fa-pencil',
maximizable : 0,
href: 'indexDatail.html' ,//数据回显
modal: true, //设置为模式窗口,窗口外的其他元素不能够点击
buttons: [{
text: '保存',
iconCls: 'fa fa-save',
btnCls: 'topjui-btn-blue',
handler: function () { //保存按键AJAX处理
var formData = $editDialog.serializeArray(); //进行序列化操作,返回json数组
type: 'POST', //请求方式
dataType: "json", //预期服务器返回的数据类型
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8", //返回给服务器时候的字符编码
data: formData, //发送到服务器上的数据
success: function (data) {
if (data.statusCode == 200){ //修改成功的状态码为200
$editDialog.iDialog('close'); //关闭对话框
$('#testDg').iDatagrid('reload'); //数据表格重新加载一遍
error: function (data) {
}, {
text: '关闭',
iconCls: 'fa fa-close',
btnCls: 'topjui-btn-red',
handler: function () {
onLoad: function () { //在dialog给文本框打开的时候给文本框赋值
$.getJSON('indexHandle.jsp?flags=detail&uuid=' + uuid, function (data) {
$editDialog.form('load', data);
} /**
* 以主键方式对数据进行删除操作
function deleteRow(uuid) {
$.iMessager.confirm('操作提示', '所选择的数据一经删除将不可恢复,是否确认进行此操作?', function(r) {
type: 'POST',
dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8",
data: {"uuid":uuid}, //构建主键
success: function (data) {
if (data.statusCode == 200){ //操作成功重载数据
error: function (data) {//错误处理
} $(function () {
var testDg = {
type: 'datagrid',
id: 'testDg'
}; $("#testDg").iDatagrid({
nowrap: true,
queryParams: { 'ss': ''},// $("#ss").textbox('getValue') },
url: 'indexHandle.jsp?flags=query', //所需要加载的数据列表
columns: [[
{field: 'uuid', title: 'UUID', checkbox: true},
{field: 'username', title: '用户名', sortable: true, width:100},
{field: 'password', title: '用户密码', sortable: true, width:100},
{field: 'sex', title: '性别', sortable: false, width:100, align:'center'},
{field: 'age', title: '年龄', sortable: false, width:100, align:'right'},
{field: 'education', title: '学历', sortable: true, width:100},
{field: 'address', title: '地址', sortable: false, width:200},
{field: 'handle', title: '操作', sortable: false, formatter: operateFormatter, width:100, align:'center'}
filter: [{
field: 'username',
type: 'textbox',
op: ['contains', 'equal', 'notequal', 'less', 'greater']//过滤操作
}, {
field: 'sex',
type: 'combobox',
options: {
valueField: 'label',
textField: 'value',
data: [{
label: '男',
value: '男'
}, {
label: '女',
value: '女'
op: ['contains', 'equal', 'notequal']
}, {
field: 'age',
type: 'textbox',
op: ['equal', 'less', 'greater']
onBeforeLoad: function (param) {
param.ss = $("#sss").textbox('getText');
$("#sss").textbox("setValue", $.cookie('_SQLSTRING'));
}); $("#add").iMenubutton({
method: 'openDialog',
extend: '#testDg-toolbar', //继承按钮
iconCls: 'fa fa-file-text-o', //按钮图标
btnCls: 'topjui-btn-brown', //按钮样式
width: 90,
dialog: {
id: 'userAddDialog',
iconCls: 'fa fa-file-text-o',
title: '添加数据示例',
href: 'indexDatail.html',
collapsible: 0, //定义是否可以折叠
resizable : 0, //定义对话框是否可以调整大小
maximizable : 0, //定义是否显示最大化按钮
buttonsGroup: [ //按钮组
text: '添加',
url: 'indexHandle.jsp?flags=add',
iconCls: 'fa fa-file-text-o',
handler: 'ajaxForm',
btnCls: 'topjui-btn-brown'
}); $("#edit").iMenubutton({
method: 'openDialog',
extend: '#testDg-toolbar',
iconCls: 'fa fa-pencil',
btnCls: 'topjui-btn-green',
width: 90,
grid: testDg,
dialog: {
title: '修改数据示例',
iconCls: 'fa fa-pencil',
href: 'indexDatail.html',
url: 'indexHandle.jsp?flags=detail&uuid={uuid}', //数据回显
collapsible: 0,
resizable : 0,
maximizable : 0,
buttonsGroup: [
text: '修改',
url: 'indexHandle.jsp?flags=update',
iconCls: 'fa fa-pencil',
handler: 'ajaxForm',
btnCls: 'topjui-btn-green'
}); $("#delete").iMenubutton({
method: 'doAjax',
extend: '#testDg-toolbar',
iconCls: 'fa fa-trash',
btnCls: 'topjui-btn-red',
width: 90,
confirmMsg: '所选择的数据一经删除将不可恢复,是否确认进行此操作?',//提示信息
grid: {
type: 'datagrid',
id: 'testDg',
uncheckedMsg: '请先选择要删除的数据后进行此操作!',
param: 'uuid:uuid'
url: 'indexHandle.jsp?flags=delete'
}); $("#search").iMenubutton({
method: 'search',
extend: '#testDg-toolbar',
btnCls: 'topjui-btn-blue',
width: 90,
grid: testDg
}); $("#import").iMenubutton({
method: 'openDialog',
extend: '#testDg-toolbar',
iconCls: 'fa fa-cloud-upload',
btnCls: 'topjui-btn-purple',
width: 90,
grid: testDg,
dialog: {
title: '数据导入',
href: '../common/import.html',
collapsible: 0,
iconCls: 'fa fa-cloud-upload',
resizable : 0,
maximizable : 0,
buttonsGroup: [
id: 'btnImport',
text: '数据导入',
disabled: 1,
url: 'indexHandle.jsp?flags=import',
iconCls: 'fa fa-cloud-upload',
handler: 'ajaxForm',
btnCls: 'topjui-btn-purple'
}); $("#export").iMenubutton({
method: 'export',
extend: '#testDg-toolbar',
btnCls: 'topjui-btn-purple',
width: 90,
grid: {
type: 'datagrid',
id: 'testDg',
url: 'indexHandle.jsp?flags=export'
}); $("#analyse").iMenubutton({
extend: '#testDg-toolbar',
btnCls: 'topjui-btn-black',
iconCls: 'fa fa-bar-chart',
width: 90,
onClick: analyseShow
}); $("#report").iMenubutton({
extend: '#testDg-toolbar',
btnCls: 'topjui-btn-black',
iconCls: 'fa fa-file-word-o',
width: 90,
onClick: function () {
type: 'POST',
cache : false,
dataType : "json",
async : false,
success: function (data) {
error: function (data) {
}); $('#queryBtn').iMenubutton({
method: 'query',
iconCls: 'fa fa-search',
btnCls: 'topjui-btn-blue',
form: {id: 'queryForm'},
grid: {type: 'datagrid', 'id': 'testDg'}
}); // 自定义统计分析
function analyseShow() {
var $editDialog = $('<form></form>'); // $('#editDialog')用这个查找不能二次打开
title: '统计分析示例',
width: 800,
height: 550,
closed: false,
cache: false,
iconCls: 'fa fa-bar-chart',
collapsible: 0,
resizable : 0,
maximizable : 1,
href:'line.html',//href: 'indexHandle.jsp?flags=report&ss=' + $("#sss").textbox('getText'),//获取查询数据
modal: true,
buttons: [{
text: '关闭',
iconCls: 'fa fa-close',
btnCls: 'topjui-btn-red',
handler: function () {
function reportShow() {
var $editDialog = $('<form></form>'); // $('#editDialog')用这个查找不能二次打开
title: '报表打印示例',
iconCls: 'fa fa-file-word-o',
collapsible: 0,
resizable : 0,
maximizable : 1,
href:'indexHandle.jsp?flags=report',//href: 'indexHandle.jsp?flags=report&ss=' + $("#sss").textbox('getText'),//获取查询数据
modal: true,
buttons: [{
text: '关闭',
iconCls: 'fa fa-close',
btnCls: 'topjui-btn-red',
handler: function () {


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