








DemoView com.package.name.Demo.getDemoView(long id)


import static com.sun.btrace.BTraceUtils.println;
import static com.sun.btrace.BTraceUtils.str; import com.sun.btrace.AnyType;
import com.sun.btrace.BTraceUtils;
import com.sun.btrace.annotations.BTrace;
import com.sun.btrace.annotations.Kind;
import com.sun.btrace.annotations.Location;
import com.sun.btrace.annotations.OnMethod;
import com.sun.btrace.annotations.Return;
import com.sun.btrace.annotations.Self; /**
* 打印方法入参及返回值
* Created by zhouwei on 2017-6-21.
*/ @BTrace(unsafe = true) // 表示这是一个BTrace跟踪脚本,并启用unsafe模式(因为使用了BTraceUtils以外的方法,即String.valueOf(obj))
public class MethodReturnTracing { @OnMethod(clazz = "com.package.name.Demo", // 类的全限定名
method = "getDemoView", // 方法名
location = @Location(Kind.RETURN)) // 表示跟踪某个类的某个方法,位置为方法返回处
public static void onMethodReturn(@Self Object self, long id, @Return AnyType result) { // @Return注解将上面被跟踪方法的返回值绑定到此探查方法的参数上 println(BTraceUtils.Time.timestamp("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); // 打印时间 println("method self: " + str(self)); println("method params: " + id); // 打印入参 println("method return: " + String.valueOf(result)); // 打印结果对象,因String.valueOf(obj)为外部方法,故需使用unsafe模式 println("=========================="); // 强烈建议加上,否则会因为输出缓冲看不到最新打印结果
} }


$ btrace -u 24801 MethodReturnTracing.java
2017-12-03 14:20:22
method self: com.package.name.Demo@6ae7d3b4
method params: 19261
method return: DemoView(id:19261, contactName:测试联系人, contactEmail:email, address:测试地址, ctime:1511871027, utime:1511871027, valid:1)





$ btrace <PID> <trace_script>
It will attach to the java application with the given PID and compile and submit the trace script.
$ btracec <trace_script>
It will compile the provided trace script.
$ btracer <compiled_script> <args to launch a java app>
It will start the specified java application with the btrace agent running and the script previously compiled by btracec loaded.

<trace_script>: Xxx.java,表示BTrace跟踪脚本。

<compiled_script>: Xxx.class,表示编译后的脚本。



  • 用于注解探查方法(Action/probe Method),上面例子MethodReturnTracing.java中的onMethodReturn即称为探查方法,作用通常是打印跟踪结果。

  • 用于注解探查方法的参数。例如上面例子MethodReturnTracing.java中的@Return AnyType result,用于将被跟踪方法的返回值绑定到该探查方法的参数上。

注解探查方法(Action/probe Method Annotations)

@OnMethod(clazz=<cname_spec>[, method=<mname_spec>]? [, type=<signature>]? [, location=<location_spec>]?)

An action method annotated by this annotation is called when the matching method(s) reaches the specified location.

cname_spec = | + | /regex/

class_name is a fully qualified class name.

+class_name is a fully qualified class name prepended with +; means all subclasses and implementors of the prepended class name.

/regex/ is a standard regular expression used to identify the class names.

mname_spec = | /regex/

method_name is a simple method name (no signature or return type).

There is another way to abstractly specify traced class(es) and method(s). Traced classes and methods may be specified by annotation. For example, if the "clazz" attribute is specified as @javax.jws.WebService BTrace will instrument all classes that are annotated by the WebService annotation. Similarly, method level annotations may be used to specify methods abstractly.


used to specify tracing actions that have to run periodically once every N milliseconds.


used to specify actions that are run whenever any exception is thrown by tracing actions of some other probe.
BTrace method annotated by this annotation is called when any exception is thrown by any of the other BTrace action methods in the same BTrace class.


used to specify actions that are run when BTrace code calls "exit(int)" built-in function to finish the tracing "session".


used to associate tracing methods with "external" events send by BTrace client.


used to trace memory threshold exceed event.


used to specify to avoid using implementation internal classes in BTrace scripts.


enables sampling for the annotated handler. To be used in conjunction with @OnMethod annotation.


  • clazz 指明要被跟踪的类的全限制名,支持正则表达式和继承,语法见说明。

  • method 指明要被跟踪的方法名,支持正则表达式。

  • type 指明要被跟踪的方法的签名。一般可以不声明,绝大部分情况下依靠clazzmethod即可确定要跟踪的方法。

  • location 指明要跟踪的方法的位置。具体可见@Location注解的说明,例如@Location(Kind.RETURN)表示方法返回处,@Location(Kind.ENTRY)表示方法入口处。




It is used to mark a probe method argument as the receiver of the probe target class name. Applicable only for OnMethod annotation. (对应@OnMethod的clazz的名字)


It is used to mark a probe method argument as the receiver of the probe target method name. Applicable only for OnMethod annotation. (对应@OnMethod的method的名字)


It is used to mark a probe method argument as the receiver of the duration value. Applicable only for OnMethod annotation with Location value of Kind.RETURN or Kind.ERROR. (long, 纳秒;或用在where.AFTER)


Marks a method parameter as the one that should contain the return value. (applicable only for Kind.RETURN)


Marks a method parameter as the one that should contain this instance. (对应@OnMethod的clazz的对象)


It is used to mark a probe method argument as the receiver of called instance in Location = Kind.CALL. (对应@Location的clazz的对象,如果是静态方法,则返回null)


It is used to mark a probe method argument as the receiver of called method name in Location = Kind.CALL. (对应@Location的method的名字)



  1. 请在已经搭好的添加过依赖的maven工程中编写跟踪脚本!Git地址如下:btrace samples。其中com.sun.btrace.samples包中的代码为官方示例脚本,强烈建议看看;me.kopite.test下面为部分其它简单示例。

  2. 将btrace上传到服务器上,并设置环境变量,将btrace等命令加入命令行PATH中:


    $ mkdir -p ~/zhouwei/btrace-bin-1.3.9 ; cd ~/zhouwei/btrace-bin-1.3.9 ; nc -l 8080 > btrace-bin-1.3.9.tgz ; tar zxvf btrace-bin-1.3.9.tgz ; export JAVA_HOME="/usr/local/java" ; export BTRACE_HOME=~/zhouwei/btrace-bin-1.3.9 ; export PATH=$BTRACE_HOME/bin:$PATH ; cd ~/zhouwei ; ll ; which btrace


    $ export JAVA_HOME="/usr/local/java" ; export BTRACE_HOME=~/zhouwei/btrace-bin-1.3.9 ; export PATH=$BTRACE_HOME/bin:$PATH ; cd ~/zhouwei ; ll ; which btrace


    $ nc $serverIP 8080 < ~/Downloads/btrace-bin-1.3.9.tgz




  3. 用于匹配方法入参或返回类型时,因嫌麻烦不想引入外部依赖(一般也没有必要),外部类型请用AnyType代替,而不是Object!因为你可能用Object来准确匹配方法返回参数或返回类型。例如上面例子MethodReturnTracing.java中的@Return AnyType result

  4. 由于BTrace的安全和性能考虑,一般情况下不允许在探查方法中调用BTraceUtils以外的其它方法,但可使用unsafe模式。

    例如使用String.valueOf()方法来打印对象(注意不要使用obj.toString(),因为对象可能是null!),这时需要使用非安全模式@BTrace(unsafe = true),并使用-u选项btrace -u <PID> <trace_script>来启动跟踪。

    btrace -u -cp .:$(find /apps/xxx_service -type f -name "fastjson-*.jar" 2>/dev/null | head -1) <PID> <trace_script>

    具体参考BTraceUtils.str(Object)方法说明,由非bootstrap class loader加载的对象不会调用对象的toString()方法,但List里面的对象可以打印出来(因为List对象是标准库里的类,由bootstrap class loader加载,且ListtoString()方法调用了对象的toString()方法)。

  5. 如何在thrift客户端拦截thrift接口调用?因为BTrace不支持拦截接口方法。通过查看调用栈,发现可以这么写:clazz = "xxxThriftIface$Client",即拦截的类名clazz为接口名后面加$Client

  6. 打印输出有缓冲区延迟,故需要在探查方法的最后一行打印:println("=================================");

  7. 其它:

    • 启动跟踪脚本时,请使用和启动Java进程相同的Linux账号,不然会因为权限问题而attach失败。

    • BTrace也可以用来跟踪匿名内部类的方法,只不过clazz对应的类名里面有个"$"符号,只要写对其类名即可。

    • 对象构造函数的名字是<init>,类构造器的名字是<clinit>

    • 另一个和BTrace类似的Java诊断工具greys-anatomy,由阿里释出,感兴趣的也可以学习一下。

    • 若报错"Port 2020 unavailable.",则使用btrace -p 2021 ...来指定其它端口。

    • Linux下已经有个命令也叫btrace,注意别用混了。



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