

    def listenTCP(self, port, factory, backlog=50, interface=''):
p = tcp.Port(port, factory, backlog, interface, self)
return p def connectTCP(self, host, port, factory, timeout=30, bindAddress=None):
c = tcp.Connector(host, port, factory, timeout, bindAddress, self)
return c


 tcp.Connector(host, port, factory, timeout, bindAddress, self)

class ClientCreator:
Client connections that do not require a factory. The various connect* methods create a protocol instance using the given
protocol class and arguments, and connect it, returning a Deferred of the
resulting protocol instance. Useful for cases when we don't really need a factory. Mainly this
is when there is no shared state between protocol instances, and no need
to reconnect. The C{connectTCP}, C{connectUNIX}, and C{connectSSL} methods each return a
L{Deferred} which will fire with an instance of the protocol class passed to
L{ClientCreator.__init__}. These Deferred can be cancelled to abort the
connection attempt (in a very unlikely case, cancelling the Deferred may not
prevent the protocol from being instantiated and connected to a transport;
if this happens, it will be disconnected immediately afterwards and the
Deferred will still errback with L{CancelledError}).
""" def __init__(self, reactor, protocolClass, *args, **kwargs):
self.reactor = reactor
self.protocolClass = protocolClass
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs def _connect(self, method, *args, **kwargs):
Initiate a connection attempt. @param method: A callable which will actually start the connection
attempt. For example, C{reactor.connectTCP}. @param *args: Positional arguments to pass to C{method}, excluding the
factory. @param **kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to C{method}. @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with an instance of the protocol
class passed to this L{ClientCreator}'s initializer or fails if the
connection cannot be set up for some reason.
def cancelConnect(deferred):
if f.pending is not None:
d = defer.Deferred(cancelConnect)#会生成一个延迟对象
f = _InstanceFactory(
self.reactor, self.protocolClass(*self.args, **self.kwargs), d)
connector = method(factory=f, *args, **kwargs)
return d def connectTCP(self, host, port, timeout=30, bindAddress=None):
Connect to a TCP server. The parameters are all the same as to L{IReactorTCP.connectTCP} except
that the factory parameter is omitted. @return: A L{Deferred} which fires with an instance of the protocol
class passed to this L{ClientCreator}'s initializer or fails if the
connection cannot be set up for some reason.
return self._connect(
self.reactor.connectTCP, host, port, timeout=timeout,
class BaseConnector:
"""Basic implementation of connector. State can be: "connecting", "connected", "disconnected"
timeoutID = None
factoryStarted = 0 def __init__(self, factory, timeout, reactor):
self.state = "disconnected"
self.reactor = reactor
self.factory = factory
self.timeout = timeout def disconnect(self):
"""Disconnect whatever our state is."""
if self.state == 'connecting':
elif self.state == 'connected':
self.transport.loseConnection() def connect(self):
"""Start connection to remote server."""
if self.state != "disconnected":
raise RuntimeError("can't connect in this state") self.state = "connecting"
if not self.factoryStarted:
self.factoryStarted = 1
self.transport = transport = self._makeTransport()#创建一个client端
if self.timeout is not None:
self.timeoutID = self.reactor.callLater(self.timeout, transport.failIfNotConnected, error.TimeoutError())



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