
  1. child
  2. a child
  3. favorite game
  4. toy
  5. regulation
  6. breadwinner
  7. dominant
  8. selfish
  9. ancestor
  10. custom
  11. belief
  12. tradition
  13. have delicious food and snacks
  14. have what they want
  15. have pressure
  16. worry about their future
  17. have a lot of toys
  18. enjoy their childhood
  19. learn all kinds of skills
  20. try to get good marks at schools
  21. have homework to do
  22. focus on the theoretical knowledge
  23. too monotonous
  24. teacher-centered
  25. not qualified
  26. quality of education
  27. set an example
  28. material life
  29. affect children's happiness
  30. compare them with other children
  31. lay a solid foundation
  32. practical skills
  33. set aside
  34. responsibility of parents
  35. family history
  36. past generations
  37. family unit
  38. from generation to generation


  1. Hello, can I see Mr. Green?
  2. Do you have an appointment?
  3. Sorry, I don't.
  4. Yes. At 3 p.m.
  5. Sorry, Mr. Green can't see you now.
  6. He's on the phone.
  7. Would you wait here for a minute.
  8. Would you like something to drink?
  9. Tea, please.
  10. Mr. Green, Mr. Smith is here.
  11. You may go in now.
  12. Nice to see you, my old friend.
  13. How have you been these years?
  14. You've changed little.
  15. Do you still remember that Christmas.




  • 【译文】


  • 作者介绍



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