In this lesson you will learn to describe what you see.



How's the weather today? 今天的天气怎么样?

It's Sunny Day

What kind of weather do you like? 你喜欢什么样子的天气?

I like rain.Because I like listening to raining very much at stay in

# 想一个地方,告诉哪里的人们都再做什么


Somebody are teaching students

Somebody are drinking coffee

Somebody are studying English

Somebody are taking notebook

What are you doing? What is he doing? What is sister doing?

I am playing games

Where are you playing games?

I am stay in at home

Who is loki playing games with?

I am alone.

词汇(Key Word )

anoter 另外的;不同的

cry  哭,喊

moment 瞬间;重要时刻           # at the moment 此时此刻

shine  照耀;显露

smile 微笑

present countinuous 现在进行时

feel like  感觉像

building  n. 建筑;建筑物 ; v. 建筑;建立;增加(build的ing形式)

cooking  v. 烹调;筹划(cook的ing形式)

going  v. 前进;出发;运转(go的ing形式)

having  v. 有(have的ing形式)

standing  v. 站立;坚持不变;坐落于(stand的ing形式)

staying  v. 停留(stay的ing形式)

swimming  v. 游泳;漂浮;旋转(swim的ing形式)

working  v. 工作;影响;受雇用(work的ing形式)


She's smiling,she's laughing

She's dancing in the street

She's having fun out in the sun

In the Moscow summer heat

One man's playing the saxophone.(萨克斯管)

Another man's playing the guitar.

She's felling like a star. 她感觉自己像个明星

You are cleaning your room 你在清扫你的房间

The kids are playing in the sand 孩子们在玩沙

The sun is shining brightly 太阳光强烈的照射着

Where am I ?我在那里?

She's feeling like a star.  她感觉自己像个明星


Presentcontinuous: be + V-ing 现在进行时


The present  continuous can be used to talk about  events that are taking place at the moment of speaking.


I am studying English at the moment.

Note: Verbs ending in -y keep the -y(cry+ing=crying)


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