mercurial branch name use integer as a name



def checknewlabel(repo, lbl, kind):
# Do not use the "kind" parameter in ui output.
# It makes strings difficult to translate.
if lbl in ['tip', '.', 'null']:
raise error.Abort(_("the name '%s' is reserved") % lbl)
for c in (':', '\0', '\n', '\r'):
if c in lbl:
raise error.Abort(_("%r cannot be used in a name") % c)
//int 类型的名字了
# try:
# int(lbl)
# raise error.Abort(_("cannot use an integer as a name"))
# except ValueError:
# pass

https://www.mercurial-scm.org/pipermail/mercurial-devel/2012-October/045567.html (重要)


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