
  • Use custom workspace

    • Directory: {directory, d:\github\}

Source Code Management

Git plugin

  • Git

    • Repositories

    • Branches to build
      • Branch Specifier (blank for 'any'): {branch_specifier, 10.29}
    • Additional Behaviours
      • Check out to specific local branch

        • Branch name: {branch_name, 10.29}

Build Environment

Version Number Plug-In

  • Create a formatted version number

    • Environment Variable Name: BUILD_VERSION
    • Version Number Format String: {branch_name, 10.29}.${BUILD_DATE_FORMATTED, "yyyyMMdd"}.${BUILDS_TODAY}
    • Inject environment variables to the build process: Checked


NodeJS Plugin

  • Provide Node & npm bin/ folder to PATH

    • NodeJS Installation:
    • npmrc file:
    • Cache location:


PowerShell plugin

  • PowerShell

    • Command
    $env:Path+=";C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin"
    {build_script, .\build.ps1}

Post-build Actions

Artifact Deployer Plug-in

  • Post-build Actions

    • [ArtifactDeployer] - Deploy the artifacts from build workspace to remote locations

      • Artifacts to deploy: {artifacts_to_deploy, **}
      • Basedir: {dist_directory, dist/}
      • Remote File Location: {remote_file_location, f:/artifacts/${BUILD_VERSION}}


  1. hue install
  2. jQuery Length属性
  3. Sublime Text使用教程【转】
  4. 【MySQL】数据导出导入成CSV格式
  5. windows下查看所有进程以及pid
  6. PHP利用GD库画曲线
  7. sqltext sqlarea
  8. 自学Zabbix3.1-语言切换
  9. CSS高度塌陷问题与解决办法
  10. SpringCloud第六步:搭建分布式配置中心
  11. List转Json函数
  12. SQL Server ->> DAC(Dedicated Administrator Connection)专用管理员连接
  13. Codeforces Round #397 Div. 2 D. Artsem and Saunders
  14. jQuery的遍历
  15. 尚硅谷springboot学习13-配置的加载
  16. java过滤器、监听器、拦截器机制
  17. Unity 基础-------------------------关于Anchor锚点的理解
  18. IOS项目分层
  19. Java连接MySQL数据库——代码
  20. Python基础 整形、布尔值、if条件判断、while循环、运算符、格式化输出


  1. 【转载】计算机程序的思维逻辑 (82) - 理解ThreadLocal
  2. gRPC in ASP.NET Core 3.x -- Protocol Buffer(2)Go语言的例子(下)
  3. python 类 --导入类
  4. PTA 7-10 树的遍历(二叉树基础、层序遍历、STL初体验之queue)
  5. ELK:收集Docker容器日志
  6. 【题解】P1908 逆序对——归并算法
  7. 如何查看SparkSQL 生成的抽象语法树?
  8. tomcat solr服务无法搜索中文
  9. [jQuery]jQuery和DOM对象互换(四)
  10. [jQuery]顶级对象$(二)