1、开启TFTP server,并且保证设备和TFTP server可达。
ciscoasa# copy tftp: disk0: >>>>拷贝镜像到ASA disk0
Address or name of remote host []?
Source filename []? asa917-20-k8.bin
Destination filename [asa917-20-k8.bin]? asa917-20-k8.bin
Accessing tftp://!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Writing file disk0:asa917-20-k8.bin…
27426816 bytes copied in 29.800 secs (945752 bytes/sec)
ciscoasa# dir >>>>查看目前镜像以及所剩的空间
Directory of disk0:/

3 drwx 2048 00:31:08 Jan 01 2008 log
6 drwx 2048 00:31:24 Jan 01 2008 crypto_archive
76 -rwx 0 00:31:28 Jan 01 2008 nat_ident_migrate
82 -rwx 2177 00:31:28 Jan 01 2008 8_2_5_0_startup_cfg.sav
10 drwx 2048 00:31:28 Jan 01 2008 coredumpinfo
83 -rwx 1225 00:31:28 Jan 01 2008 upgrade_startup_errors_200801010031.log
84 -rwx 25159680 00:51:48 Jan 01 2008 asa842-k8.bin
87 -rwx 27426816 01:43:56 Aug 28 2008 asa917-20-k8.bin

128573440 bytes total (75687936 bytes free)

ciscoasa# verify disk0:asa917-20-k8.bin
Verifying file integrity of disk0:/asa917-20-k8.bin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Embedded Hash MD5: 8c3f0c748f5b2f5a21242c038d56dd35
Computed Hash MD5: 8c3f0c748f5b2f5a21242c038d56dd35
CCO Hash MD5: 437b5297eca7d4284a16f9f25485506c
Signature Verified
Verified disk0:/asa917-20-k8.bin

ciscoasa(config)# boot system disk0:/asa917-20-k8.bin

ciscoasa# show bootvar

BOOT variable = disk0:/asa842-k8.bin;disk0:/asa917-20-k8.bin
Current BOOT variable = disk0:/asa842-k8.bin;disk0:/asa917-20-k8.bin
CONFIG_FILE variable =
Current CONFIG_FILE variable =

ciscoasa(config)# delete disk0:/asa842-k8.bin
Delete filename [asa842-k8.bin]?

Delete disk0:/asa842-k8.bin? [confirm]
ciscoasa(config)# dir

Directory of disk0:/

3 drwx 2048 00:31:08 Jan 01 2008 log
6 drwx 2048 00:31:24 Jan 01 2008 crypto_archive
77 -rwx 0 00:31:28 Jan 01 2008 nat_ident_migrate
84 -rwx 2177 00:31:28 Jan 01 2008 8_2_5_0_startup_cfg.sav
10 drwx 2048 00:31:28 Jan 01 2008 coredumpinfo
85 -rwx 1225 00:31:28 Jan 01 2008 upgrade_startup_errors_200801010031.log
87 -rwx 27426816 01:43:56 Aug 28 2008 asa917-20-k8.bin
ciscoasa(config)# no boot system disk0:/asa842-k8.bin
ciscoasa# sho bootvar

BOOT variable = disk0:/asa842-k8.bin;disk0:/asa917-20-k8.bin >>>发现还是存在
Current BOOT variable = disk0:/asa917-20-k8.bin
CONFIG_FILE variable =
Current CONFIG_FILE variable =
ciscoasa# wr memory >>>保存后生效
Building configuration...
Cryptochecksum: 489e5c00 3ea0a2d8 4da33988 ff85739a

2809 bytes copied in 1.260 secs (2809 bytes/sec)
ciscoasa# show bootvar

BOOT variable = disk0:/asa917-20-k8.bin
Current BOOT variable = disk0:/asa917-20-k8.bin
CONFIG_FILE variable =
Current CONFIG_FILE variable =

ciscoasa(config)# reload

ciscoasa# sh version

Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Software Version 9.1(7)20

Compiled on Thu 02-Nov-17 18:27 by builders
System image file is "disk0:/asa917-20-k8.bin"


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