• boot0_sdcard.fex, u-boot.fex and kernel (uImage) created from sources
  • kernel built with many features enabled (btrfs, USB serial adapters, bluetooth, hdmi sound, nfsd ...)
  • CPU runs at 1.53GHz, termal management adjusted so that all 4 cores are active up to 100 °C
  • GPIO, i2c (TWI), SPI enabled
  • Linux fs created from scratch with debootstrap
  • mimimal image can be the base for server or desktop
  • framebuffer console works
  • serial (uart) console works
  • ssh installed, root login ower ssh enabled
  • initial filesystem size less then 500 MB
  • initial RAM usage less then 50 MB
  • some usefull console programs installed (mc, htop, tmux, ...)
  • you can install server componnents (tested apache2, php, firebird, webmin, ...)
  • you can install full desktop, tested LXDE, XFCE and Mate desktop (recommended)
  • scripts to install lxde, xfce or mate desktop included, run (with lubuntu option the script will install Lubuntu core package, so you can get real Lubuntu look):
  1. sudo install_lxde_desktop [lubuntu]
  2. sudo install_mate_desktop
  3. sudo install_xfce_desktop

Copy the Code

  • script to install x2go server (install only after desktop is installed), run
  1. sudo install_x2goserver

Copy the Code


    • user name orangepi, pass for user and root orangepi
    • to enable wifi connection from command line run: sudo nmcli -a d wifi connect and enter your wifi credentials
    • to always run at full speed install heatsink and fan !
    • How to enable AP mode, see this post.


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