近期使用winSock做的一个网络项目中,使用TCP+Socket连接编写的一个多线程的网络程序,功能是client负责不断地向server端发送数据,服务端负责接收数据。client是一个DLL,服务端程序是一个随机启动的NT Service服务程序。


查了MSDN上的10054错误号说明:WSAECONNRESET     (10054)  
  Connection   reset   by   peer.    
  A   existing   connection   was   forcibly   closed   by   the   remote   host.   This   normally   results   if   the   peer   application   on   the   remote   host   is   suddenly   stopped,   the   host   is   rebooted,   or   the   remote   host   used   a   "hard   close"   (see   setsockopt   for   more   information   on   the   SO_LINGER   option   on   the   remote   socket.)



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