
1 billion video views per day



3.Linux (SuSe)


5.psyco, a dynamic python->C compiler

6.lighttpd for video instead of Apache

       -->NetScaler-->Apache plus Lighttpd(for video/multiple process)-->Python-app-server(format html)->databases(MySQL to ...)


Client |->CDN (popular content)-->Youtube Server(less popular)

Keep it simple and cheap

Keep a simple network path

Use commodity hardware

Use Simple common tools provided by os

MySQL -->database partioning with users assigned to different shards

spreads writes and reads

replica lag(备份延迟?) 0

colocation arrangement

Use 5 or 6 data centers plus the CDN

8.Images are replicated to different data centers using BigTable

Stall for time. Creative and risky tricks can help you cope in the short term while you work out longer term solutions


outsource service for short time to market

Keep it simple

Shard or partition

Constant interation on bottlenecks

Succeed as a team


1) CGI是WebServer与其他独立进程交互的工具,FastCGI常驻内存,不必每次都fork一个子进程,从而提升了效率

I found this information interesting:

    The application code is written mostly in Python (the web app is not the bottleneck… the database RPC is)

    They use Apache for page content and lighttpd for serving video

    Thumbnails are now served by Google’s BigTable

    They’re running SuSE Linux with MySQL

    HW RAID-10 across multiple disks was too slow. HW RAID-1 with SW RAID-0 was faster because the Linux I/O scheduler could see the multiple volumes and would therefore schedule more I/O

Citrix 05年收购了NetScaler (http server/load balancer/发布平台)



  1. ASP.NET Web API Model-ModelMetadata
  2. 完全删除TFS2013上的项目
  3. Codeforces Round B. Buttons
  4. JavaScript 运动框架
  5. MySQL编译安装错误:No curses/termcap library found的解决方法
  6. Linux系统查看系统是32位还是64位方法总结【转】
  7. 通过Messenger与后台连接(单向操作,activity向service发送数据)
  8. 访问ControlTemplate内部的元素
  9. 第一部分 Android MediaPlayer 概述
  10. form验证及图片上传
  11. Android抽屉(SlidingDrawer --类似android通知栏下拉效果)
  12. C++ Primer Plus 6 第二章
  13. 在安卓代码中dp 和 sp 换算px
  14. mysql并发控制之MVCC
  15. WEB UI 上传URL附件(使用方法备份)
  16. Nikto学习点
  17. Ansible 简介
  18. Shell-find . -type f -name "*.log" -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f
  19. css3中trastion,transform,animation基本的了解
  20. 就qq软件的优缺点


  1. javascript中怎么让一个页面执行多个window.onload?
  2. Win7_SendTo文件夹
  3. poj3608Bridge Across Islands(凸包间最小距离)
  4. GO语言中间的derfer
  5. JavaScript变量——栈内存or堆内存
  6. 转!!!Mybatis实现数据的增删改查(CRUD)
  7. 全面理解面向对象的 JavaScript
  8. html 标签总结
  9. Mybatis 学习-2
  10. 166. Fraction to Recurring Decimal -- 将除法的商表示成字符串(循环节用括号表示)